Shelley – 29th June 2024

Dear Friends

Here’s a quick recap on what going on so far…over the next few weeks!

Sunday 30th June 11-12 Service together in church with a group for our younger friends on a gardening theme.. Luke 13 v 6-9..more stories of Jesus…

After the service there is a get together for the Sunday morning prayer team.  Feel free to bring your lunch as you chat. 

Sunday 30th June 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth

Monday 1st July 10-12 midday Beacon warm welcome café

Tuesday 2nd July 10-11.30am  Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers

Tuesday 2nd July housegroup in the music room.  See Rod Russell

Wednesday 3rd July Lunch club for those booked in and the volunteers.  See Rachel for more information

Wednesday 3rd July  house group in church 7.30pm -9pm in the music room. See Ruth and Andy Berry

Thursday 4th July Warm welcome craft group 2-4pm – The music room is being used as a polling station so craft group will happen in a different room but its still going ahead!

Thursday 4th July No group study on evangelism with Gareth Gadd 7-9pm

Friday 5th July Bible study in church at 10-11am.  See Shelley for more information.

Friday 5th July House group at 8pm in Adel.  See Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk

Sunday 7th July All age Café church at 11-12 with refreshments and breakfast bits Luke 14:1-14… hospitality…

Sunday 7th July 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth in church

Monday 8th July 10-12 midday Beacon warm welcome café

Monday 8th July 12.30-2.30 Talk and discussion led by Haddon.  Luke, in his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles told stories of early Christian faith and life.  His  stories were targeted invitations and searching provocations to turn from darkness to light.  Take a couple of hours to explore how and why Luke told the story and stories as he did.  Bring your lunch.

This session will be repeated on Tuesday 9th July 7.30pm to 9.30pm for those who would like to come on an evening.  Feel free to pass this on to those you think are interested.

Monday 15th July from 1-3pm in the Music Room ‘Wise up to Ageism’.  The course will be led by a team from Leeds Older People’s Forum and will help us to keep developing as an Age Friendly Church.  There are 20 places and if you would like to attend, please email, or call Lesley to pass onto Rachel or directly to Rachel. If there are spaces left, we will open the course up to the those working locally in our community.   

Please keep an eye on the website or social media on Facebook for what’s happened or what is coming up..

Wednesday 17th July Wednesday worship at 1.30pm – 2pm in the music room

Sunday 21st July 11-12 service with communion and 3-5pm Strawberry tea at church in support of our links in Romania.

Tuesday 10th September 7.30pm Whole church meeting

A few thank-yous

Thank-you to everyone who has been helping with the chairs and set up for church.  We will need to do this again tomorrow, but we’ll make sure this is done sensitively and not straight away as the service finishes.  Anyone who is able is welcome to help.

Thank you for praying for the deacons and myself for the Away Day in Harewood on Wednesday.  Although the time went quickly, we were able to spend time praying for the church and each other, hearing from God and we will share some of this in the next few weeks.  We were also blessed with an anonymous donation that was given for our lunch.

Finally, I attended the funeral of a close friend of my family’s yesterday.  I was reminded again how every act of love is never wasted and how we all have a role to play in encouraging younger or less experienced generations whether in families, groups, or larger communities.  To keep showing up no matter what is incredibly powerful. The friend we remembered on Friday was always up for trying something and getting involved, a playful pragmatic approach that never got stuck on how things should be or look.  When I came up with ideas about different ways to worship or reach out to our communities we prayed and worked out a plan to make it happen.  It didn’t always go as we expected, but we learnt loads, God moved. 

“One generation commends your works to another;
    they tell of your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4)


Shelley Dring

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