13th September – Shelley’s weekly message

Dear Friends

On Tuesday, people shared some of the things going on in our church community, in Moortown, Leeds and further afield.  We heard good news, concerns, and personal stories as well as some decision making too.  The minutes will be available next week if you missed it.

God has called us ‘a city on a hill’ (Matthew 5:14) to be a community of light.  That’s why Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians…

“…Live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace”  (Ephesians 4:2-3)

Paul writes this ‘as a prisoner’ so he was well aware there are times when we may not feel part of that community due to distance of some kind, but Paul knew he was part of it and our calling as Christians is worked out with others in mind.  To bear with others, suggests patience and time.

The result is that all are honoured whether they play a big part or a small part.

“But God has put the body together, giving greater honour to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other” (1 Corinthians 12:24-25)

As we move into the Autumn, we continue to walk alongside each other. Let’s pray for every part, those who are at a distance in some way and those who are right in the middle of something.  Pray that God will continue to raise leaders in our church to work alongside all ages.

Here are a few things ‘the body’ are doing this week…

This Sunday we continue in John’s gospel with a story with similarities to the woman at the well.  Its John 6:1-15 and all ages will be in the room with activities for our younger friends.  We will also share communion.  We start at 11am in the building and on YouTube.

Rock Solid youth are back together again on Sunday evening at 7pm-8pm.

It’s the final instalment of the prayer course this Sunday.  See website  Prayer Course – see Krys Gadd for details – Moortown Baptist Church  This week it’s a Zoom meeting at 7.30pm.  Details from Krys or ask a deacon on Sunday.  As the last one is a Zoom, anyone who has joined at some point is invited to meet face to face to chat/pray on the 6th October after church.

Tomorrow, 14th September, it’s the tabletop sale, full of carefully made crafts as well as drinks and cake,  you can also get your face painted or hair braided by experts!  Its 10.30-2.30pm in church. Table Top Sale – 14th September – Moortown Baptist Church

On Monday 16th September it’s Beacon warm welcome café.

On Tuesday 17th September it’s Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their carers.  We had a busy but fun first week last week.  Contact Lesley if you are new and would like to come.

Tuesday afternoon House Group in church, see Rod or Howard

Wednesday lunch club for those booked in (see Rachel Beedle for details)

Wednesday worship at 1.30pm, all welcome for half and hour together, this week’s theme, God in the storm.

Wednesday night House Group in church, see Shelley this week for more details.  7.30pm

Bible study in church at 7pm (see Gareth or ask Lesley/Shelley/deacon for details).

Friday evening House Group starts at 8pm on Friday.  See Hilary/Jonathan or Steve/Helen or ask Lesley/Shelley/A Deacon for more details.

On the 29th September we’ll be celebrating a baptism in church!  If you would like to be baptised on that day too then do get in touch with me (or contact Lesley in the office to get hold of me) for a chat.

October café church, 6th October, will be our harvest and thanks service at 11am.  All welcome!  We are collecting food for North Leeds food bank and money donations for Caring for life but more details this week.

Some other things happening in Leeds..

“Dance, music and praise in Leeds City Centre!
We’re gathering children and young people from Leeds to be part of this exciting event. There will also be a live band!
Our hope is that people in Leeds and beyond will be able to witness a tangible expression of joy and hope that leads them to God’s love.”

And beyond…
http://worldinprayer.org Lots of prayer resources connected to world news to help us pray across the world at the moment…

In Christ


Shelley Dring

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