MBC - in and of its community

Working alongside the trustees and staff of the Leeds Jewish Welfare Board, planting seeds with the Queenshill Gardening Group or hosting Police and Communities Forums are just three of the dozens of local projects that MBC is regularly involved in.
Add these to the work involved in mounting appeals for local food banks and charities, providing a spacious venue for touring theatre companies, turning our Music Room into a Polling station and facilitating countless conferences and courses and you can see just how much time and effort MBC dedicates to being both in and of its community.
However, despite this heavy workload Moortown Baptist Church employs just one full and two part time staff; that’s Shelley Dring, our full time Minister, Rachel Beedle our part time Senior’s worker and Lesley Murphy our super efficient part time Administrator. All the rest of the work is carried out by a vast team of volunteers; some in their teens, others older than the building itself.
If you fancy joining this team either call in and see us or give us a call on 0113 2693750.