Dear friends
Come along and worship with others and begin an advent journey together at 11am in café church tomorrow. We’ll be live on youtube too. Advent is the time before Christmas meaning ‘coming’ or ‘arrival’ and looks to the arrival of Jesus. It’s a time when many people get busy to prepare in terms of decorations, presents and gatherings. For Christians, there is something far more life changing woven into their Christmas season. As it says in the popular Christmas carol , Joy to the world,
‘Let every heart prepare him room’.
What does this look like in advent for each one of us? Last week we heard about David being chosen by God as the next king. God reminds Samuel that people look on the outward appearance, but God sees the heart. Proverbs 4:23 reminds us that it’s our responsibility, to check our own hearts. It’s where our thoughts, attitudes, motivations come from. We may do many great things and speak important truths, but we are warned in Revelation 2 to not forget our first love, Jesus, to remember how we felt when we first recognised Him.
As we begin advent let’s start with our own hearts and may this lead to all we do in this season.
What’s coming up…
Today the church is being decorated for Christmas. Please drop in between 2pm and 3pm if you can help.
Through the week we have all our usual activities, please see last weeks email for information and check out the website www.moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk
Thank you to those who have helped design cards and get them printed so that we can give them out to invite others to MBC at Christmas. We’ve worked as quickly as we can and although the cards won’t be ready for Sunday, we will pick them up on Monday so that anyone who leads a group in church through the week can come and get some and give them out please. If you want to dop in and pick some up, you’d be welcome. I’ll have them out in the music room and in the Sanctuary.
This year at Christmas a few of you mentioned that you would like to make hampers again for our food pantry users and anyone we feel may value a Christmas hamper this year. We know of a few contacts locally but anyone else comes to mind, do let me know.
Could you help please by bringing any of the following items before the 16th December?
Small Christmas cake/slices, mince pies, a nice toiletry for a man or woman e.g shower gel, shampoo, nice biscuits, tea/coffee/hot chocolate, Christmas sweets.
Please put them by the Christmas tree or one of our offices.
We are looking forward to…
Saturday 7th December at 1.30-3.30pm “Sing along Christmas carols and festive songs with Steel Crazy steel pan band, festive treats and a fun Christmas quiz.” Everyone welcome, drop in or stay for it all.
Sunday 8th December 11am Service together with children’s group and then at 3pm “Stepping Stones and friends” Christmas Nativity
Wednesday 11th December Christmas Wednesday worship,1.30pm -2pm in the music room with refreshments.
Sunday 15th December after church, there is a small group going carol singing in a local care home. Please See Rachel if you want to go.
Sunday 15th December at 3pm “Creative wreath making workshop where you will learn how to make your own Christmas wreath to take home, materials and festive refreshments provided. £10 each. Could you email Lesley or let me know if you want to book a place. We already have 14 people booked on so do let us know how many spaces you want to book for you or/and family/friends! If you have a favourite pair of scissors/secateurs you may want to bring them along, but we will have some for you to use anyway.”
Sunday 22nd December 11am All age Nativity
Monday 23rd December 10-12 Festive Beacon
Tuesday 24th December Christmas Eve All Age Christingle at 4.30pm
Wednesday 25th December All Age Christmas Day celebration at 10.30am
Looking forward too to seeing some more Jesse tree ornaments come back (see below) after last week. If you missed it, check out… Jesse Tree: Christian Christmas Tradition
In Christ