Sunday 20th July 1969 was a memorable and momentous day. It felt as if the whole world was watching. It was the day of the first moon landing when the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle landed on the moon. On that day, mankind achieved something that many had previously thought to be impossible. You may remember watching Neil Armstrong take his first steps on the moon and then listen to his legendary words, “that is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” You may remember seeing the landing crafts trundling over the moon’s surface leaving their tyre tracks in the moon’s surface. The amazing thing is, that as there is no atmosphere on the moon as there is on earth, there is therefore no wind, rainfall, other atmospheric changes or movement on the moon to disturb those footprints. Those footprints and tyre tracks are still there. Footprints, from more than fifty years ago, are there and will continue to be there.
Thinking again about those footprints made me realize that we all leave our unique footprints. We all make a mark that is visible to others, and which may last for a very long time, and may have a deep impact on others. The phrase, ‘the world is watching’ is a very significant phrase for me as it reminds me that we are often ‘on view’ to others. People around us, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, other parents at the school gate, notice and observe our actions and reactions, and make judgements about them. Even people that we do not know at the supermarket, the gym, the garden centre, the library may be silently observing how we speak to others, smile, and conduct ourselves.
As Christians, we may sometimes feel that we are judged more closely and perhaps more harshly than other folk. The world loves to find fault and to criticize. Therefore, the standards that we may hold to can often feel to be higher. We are following in the steps of Jesus and so we reflect Him. When Paul wrote to the young man Titus, he made it clear to him that he had to be above reproach in everything. But not just that, Titus had to demonstrate in his words, his attitudes, his relationships, his walk, the graciousness of Jesus.
“And in all things show yourself to be an example of good works, with purity in doctrine having the strictest regard for integrity and truth, dignified, sound and beyond reproach in instruction, so that the opponent of the faith will be shamed, having nothing bad to say about us.
Let no one disregard or despise you. Conduct yourself and your teaching so as to command respect.” Titus 2 v 7-8 AMP
He who walks in integrity and with moral character walks securely, Proverbs 10 v 9
PRAY Jesus, please guide my footsteps. I want to walk faithfully in your footsteps. Wherever I go this week, help me to leave a footprint of love, care and grace, considering the other rather than myself. Amen