Jane Coates. Thoughts and prayers. LIGHT.

He wraps himself in light as if it were a robe, spreading out the sky like a canopy, Psalm 104 v 2 NIV

You’re a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light. Psalm 36 v 9 MSG

Children are fascinated by light, rainbows and colour. The concept of light is challenging for small children, especially the idea that white light can be separated into rainbow colours, or even bent by passing the light through a glass prism. Yet, when I was teaching in primary school, the children loved to explore and have fun with different shaped prisms, making rainbows. The scientific explanation of different wavelengths or colours of light being refracted or dispersed by different amounts, causing them to separate, coming out of the prism at different angles, creating that wonderful spectrum, was often way beyond them. That would come later. But for now, it was fun to make rainbows.

We have some wonderful colourful light objects at home which delight the grandchildren. A multi-faceted glass crystal, a multicoloured lamp, and a magic book that opens with different kinds of light. These things delight and give joy.

Our early understanding of the God who created light from nothing, and Jesus as the Light of the world, are perhaps childlike in some ways. Some concepts are very hard to grasp. I love the description of our Creator God in Psalm 104, a Psalm which is very reminiscent of the Genesis creation account. Our Creator God wraps Himself in light. He made moon to mark the seasons, and the sun that knows when to go down. He set the earth on its foundations; and the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work. He is a fountain of cascading light.

We are now the children of light, and we live in the light of Christ. “You yourselves used to be in the darkness, but since you have become the Lord’s people, you are in the light. So, you must live like people who belong to the light.” Ephesians 5 v 8 GNT

The God who said, “Out of darkness the light shall shine!” is the same God who made His light shine in our hearts, to bring us the knowledge of God’s glory shining in the face of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4 v 6 GNT

May we reflect the light of Jesus, as children of light. May our words and lives be attractive, winsome, so that others notice something rather different in us and be attracted to the source of that light and energy. May our lights shine in the shadows and the dark places. May our lights point out the way for others.

A Celtic Circle Prayer

Circle me Lord, Keep hope near, And evil afar.”
Circle me Lord, Keep light near, And darkness afar.”
Circle me Lord, Keep peace within, Keep fear out.”
Circle me Lord, Keep hope within, Keep doubt without.

Mighty God,
My protection be
Encircling me.
You are around
My home, my street
Encircling me
O Sacred Three.

Jane Coates

7th October 2024

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