Shelley – 13th July 2024

Dear Friends

I am reminded of this verse this week, you may know it as a song…

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
They are new every morning;
Great is your faithfulness”
(Lamentations3:22-23, NIV)

Words of hope from Jeremiah that despite the seemingly overwhelming circumstances, God’s love is steadfast, immoveable, and never runs out, ‘created new every morning’ as The Message bible describes. Our lives may be lived in a constantly changing world, but God’s love is firmly fixed, never ending, our true North as on a compass. As we continue to look at Jesus storytelling in Luke, we are reminded of God’s constant love for all and the joy and challenge to see things from His kingdom perspective. This brings adventure, cost, mess, excitement and learning. Last week we looked at a story in Luke 14 about inviting guests to a meal, this week we move onto Luke 12:13-21. You might want to read it or listen to it through the week and see what themes come to you.

Sunday 14th July Service 11-12 Luke 12:13-21 with a group for our younger friends
Sunday 14th 6.30-7.30pm Rock Solid for youth in church (note change of time just for this week)
Monday 15th July 10-12 midday Beacon Warm Welcome café
Monday 15th July 1-3pm (bring your lunch if you are staying after Beacon) ‘Wise up to Ageism’ course led by Leeds Older people’s forum
Tuesday 16th July Stepping Stones team ‘big sort out’ followed by lunch
Tuesday 16th July House Groups in the music room. See Rod Russell
Wednesday 17th July Lunch club for those booked in and the volunteers. See Rachel for more information
Wednesday 17th July Wednesday Worship 1.30-2pm in the music room
Wednesday 17th July PACT Police and Communities together 6.30pm-7.15pm in music room. Anyone welcome to meet local police, chat about the neighbourhood, especially those in the Moortown area. Shelley will be there.
Wednesday 17th July house group in church 7.30pm -9pm in the music room. See Ruth and Andy Berry
Thursday 18th July Warm welcome craft group 2-4pm See Karen Ross
Thursday 18th July Study on evangelism with Gareth Gadd 7-9pm in church
Friday 19th July Bible study in church at 10-11am. See Shelley for more information.
Friday 19th July House group at 8pm in Adel. See Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk
Sunday 21st July 11-12.15 service in church with communion and a group with activities for our younger friends Luke 18:9-14
Sunday 21st July 3-5pm Strawberry cream tea for all (donations go to Romania)
Sunday 21st July Rock Solid, see Val, Martyn, Nathan or Adam

Next deacons and Shelley meeting.. 23rd July 7.30pm in church
Tuesday 10th September 7.30pm Whole church meeting

Just a note that Lesley is on leave again this week.

Thanks to those helping with chairs between services/activities. We don’t have anyone specifically to perform this role yet, but if you are around on Sunday after church, Monday after Beacon, Wednesday after Lunch Club, or Thursday/Friday at some point, these are the times we reset the church. Please talk to myself, Karen, Rod or Adam if you can help.

One of our deacons, Mandy, is putting together a team of Fire Marshals. We explained more about this at the last church meeting and a couple of people stepped forward. Thanks to those. We still need two more people to join the team (there will be training) so if you want more information or would like to volunteer can you tell Mandy or myself, thanks so much.

It’s the Strawberry Cream Tea next Sunday, and all our mid-week groups have been invited too so it will be a chance to get to know more people in our community. If you can help with setting up or making tea or bringing scones or tidying afterwards, can you let me or Karen know please by the middle of next week? Do bring people along and come yourself!

See our website for all other information and articles written by those in church including one on a new musical based on the Hymn ‘It is well..’ Moortown Baptist Church – Loving God, living generously, following Christ. and a prayer course starting on Sunday 28th July. For the prayer course, some sessions are online and some have discussion in the building. It’s open to everyone and led by Krys Gadd with teaching on video from Pete Greig from 24/7 prayer Home – 24-7 Prayer International.

In Christ

Shelley Dring

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