Shelley – 20th July 2024

Dear Friends
Tomorrow we are looking forward to being together in our service at 11am and later from 3-5pm for our afternoon strawberry tea.  There’s no charge for the scones, strawberries and drinks, but donations are encouraged for the ministry of the churches we are supporting in Romania.

There will be some goods made by those in Romania available on the day. Everyone is welcome!  It’s a great chance to meet those who are part of different groups throughout the week. The youth in Rock Solid meet at the earlier time of 5pm tomorrow at church with bible study and outdoor games.  Tomorrow’s service will include sharing communion.  We have a group for our younger friends so they can explore the story creatively together.  Thanks to all those involved in sharing faith with our children and young people.

As we come to the Summer months some of our activities continue, pause, or simply change in style or frequency.  I have asked all those leading groups, including Lunch Club, Beacon and House Groups to let me know their plans and I will email these out to you at the beginning of next week.  Here’s a few things I know are definitely happening in the next few days…

Monday 22nd July 10-12 am Midday Beacon warm welcome space and café.
Tuesday 23rd July 12.30 pm House group in church. Bring a sandwich at 12.30.  Short studies through summer.  See Howard Dews
Tuesday 23rd July Deacons and Shelley meet in church at 7.30 pm
Wednesday 24th July Lunch Club with volunteers
Wednesday 24th July 7.30 pm House Group in church and on Zoom. See Ruth or Andy.
Thursday 25th July 2-4 pm warm welcome space craft group.  See Karen or Diane
Friday 26th July Bible study at 10 am in church (see Shelley or Brenda Thompson)
If in doubt, ask group leaders or Shelley or Lesley (back on Monday).
Next Sunday we’ll be looking at Luke 16:1-9 in a service from 11-12 midday, followed the week after by an all-age café church looking creatively at Luke 19:11-27.

More details about Summer at MBC at the beginning of next week!

Do keep looking on the website too.  Click on this link. This week’s new articles include a piece and pictures from the “Wise up to Ageism” course some of us were part of last Monday, and also an article about what happens when we are experiencing challenges in life that seem more ‘long haul’ rather than quick fixes…

See you tomorrow

In Christ

Shelley Dring

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