Shelley – June 22nd 2024

Dear Friends

We meet again tomorrow at 11am as we continue the theme of Jesus’ storytelling in the book of Luke. There will be a group for our younger friends too as we look at Luke 11:1-13.  We’ll be continuing with the stories of Jesus in Luke until the Summer.  For those who would like to know a bit more about the background of Luke, Haddon is leading a session on Monday 8th July at 12.30-2.30 in the music room.  Feel free to bring your own lunch and eat it at 12 midday together before it starts.  The session will be repeated on Tuesday 9th July 7.30-9.30pm in the music room. More details to come.

It was good to see so many of you at the church meeting joining in with prayer and sung worship, discussion and decision making.  There were some healthy discussions on aspects of the constitution and we encourage you to carry on and look at those areas for next time.  Do feed anything back in between times via Lesley or direct to myself or the deacons.  We also heard updates from myself and Rachel Beedle.  Rachel mentioned a course taking place at Moortown Baptist Church called “Wise up to Ageism”.  It will take place on Monday 15th July from 1-3pm in the Music Room. The course will be led by a team from Leeds Older People’s Forum and will help us to keep developing as an Age Friendly Church.  There are 20 places and if you would like to attend, please email, or call Lesley to pass onto Rachel or directly to Rachel. If there are spaces left, we will open the course up to the those working locally in our community.  We also thanked Edward for his work in the church with setting up of the rooms through the week including Sunday mornings.  We thank him for his hard work, flexibility, and good nature often behind the scenes.  As he finishes his role this week we will need some help in the next couple of weeks before we are able to appoint someone in the role.  You  may find that after services or some of the groups we may ask for some of those who are able to help a bit with chairs.    

On the website this week, there was a post about the elections and guidance for Christians.  It included get togethers in the city centre, one based on prayer and the other hearing from Christians in different parties and how their faith is connected to what they do.  The link is here..  General Election -Thursday 4th July – Moortown Baptist Church

The week ahead..
Sunday 23rd June 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth
Monday 24th June 10-12 midday Beacon warm welcome café
Tuesday 25th June 10-11.30pm.  Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers
Tuesday 25th June Afternoon housegroup in the music room.  See Rod Russell
Wednesday 26th June Lunch club for those booked in and the volunteers.  See Rachel for more information
Wednesday 26th June  Deacons and Shelley Away Day
No Wednesday night house group in church this week, the next one is the 3rd July
Thursday 27th June Warm welcome craft group 2-4pm
Thursday 27th June  Group study on evangelism with Gareth Gadd 7-9pm
Friday 28th June Bible study in church at 10-11am.  See Shelley for more information.
Friday 28th June House group at 8pm in Adel.  See Hilary and Jonathan Darling or Steve or Helen Olijnyk
Sunday 30th June Service in church at 11-12midday with group for children meeting during the service.
Sunday 30th June 12.30pm Sunday prayer team get together.  See Krys Gadd for details.  Bring some lunch after church to eat together.
Sunday 30th June 7-8pm Rock Solid for youth in church

A few more dates for the diary…
Sunday 7th July café church all together with refreshments and breakfast bits
Wednesday 17th July Wednesday worship at 1.30pm – 2pm in the music room
Sunday 21st July 11-12 service with communion and 3-5pm Strawberry tea at church in support of our connected churches and relationships in Romania.

Tuesday 10th September 7.30pm Whole church meeting
For those whom I see and for those whom I don’t see much, maybe because of ill health or other struggles, I pray 1 Thess 2 and 3.  Let’s keep watching over each other in love.

“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.  We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Shelley Dring

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