The YBA invites Shelley to talk about the challenges she faces planning and running inter-generational church

Recently, Jodie Thorpe, the Yorkshire Baptist Association’s Children, Youth and Families Enabler asked Shelley Dring if she would write a piece for the YBA newsletter focusing on the challenges she faced producing an inter-generational programme that took a truly 24/7 approach to being church.

There’s a taster above but you can read the full story either HERE or at

In the story Shelley tells of the huge challenge MBC faced when lockdown one forced us to close our doors and move the vast majority of our activities – from the Sunday morning Service to toddlers and homegroups on line. She talks about Moortot’s special YouTube channel, about the twice weekly broadcasts she and her two children, Rowan and Daisy, put out and about how during our newly invented Church at Home she would take a theme and in a way which was accessible to all age groups work alongside fellow staff and a team of volunteers to read the message, dance the message, paint the message, sing the message and explore it.

Turning to the future Shelley is keen to ensure that when whatever the new “normal” does emerge we don’t loose sight of what the last fifteen months or so have taught us. The church, she says is very different now in many ways. For instance she feels that the lines have been blurred between ages, MBC is now more community than building focussed and sermons or talks are different – not only in style but the via the individuality and uniqueness that those who are willing and able to lead add to the mix. She also talks about our new garden project, the various events we have organised in our carpark and more recently still the role the gazebo has played in providing space for any number of things; from a plant sale to prayer.

Please do read Shelley’s article. She alongside our other staff members have and continue to do a superb job during these difficult times. May God bless them.   

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