Over the last few weeks we have been looking at the theme of how and why our mind is transformed over time when we look to Jesus as our guide and the spirit to work in us. I wanted to let you know that tomorrow morning at 11am both in the building and online we’ll be looking at this again. The focus will be ‘love hopes all things’ (1 Cor 13:7) and we’ll be reflecting through songs and words how love and hope are connected and this helps to transform our thoughts, plans, and emotions. There will be a group for our younger members tomorrow where we will be exploring this practically using clay. I’ll have some clay suitable for our littlest ones too if they want to have a go at some free play alongside us on the same theme.
What’s on next week…
Sunday 18th June – Sunday service 11-12midday ‘Be transformed’ series
One sign of a transformed mind is that you like yourself despite the difficulties you have. You rejoice in your weakness, knowing that when and where you are weak, He is strong (2 Cor 12:1-10). There will be a separate group for our younger members. Communion will take place on the 4th Sunday this month, not the 18th, so if you are down to help and you can’t make the 25th can you let Lesley or myself know please.
7-8 ‘Rock solid group in the church building for young people.
Monday 12th June – warm welcome café ‘beacon’ 10-12 in the building, free snacks and drinks, open to all
Tuesday 13th June ‘ stepping stones’ for under 5’s and their carers, 10-11.30
Thursday 15th June – warm welcome craft group and drop in drinks 2-4pm in the building
For bible studies do get in touch. There’s no bible in a year on Thursday. Do talk to myself and the deacons about what you think you might like to learn, spend time doing or offer to help with for example, you might want to find out about some of the basics of the Christian faith.
Wednesday 21st June – Wednesday worship after lunch club at 1.30pm in the building, all welcome.
Thursday 22nd June – Dementia friends’ training session on zoom for those who would like to do it but missed previous in person sessions. Its 45 minutes exactly and led by Dementia friends’ trainer Rachel Beedle.
Sunday 25th June – Be transformed service with communion 11-12.15pm
7-8 ‘Rock solid group in the church building for young people.
Friday 7th July – Deacons prayer and leadership day
Thanks to those who offered to help. We’ll be welcoming people from All Nations Community Church at 2pm on Saturday 17th June and some from Christ Temple of Worship at 3pm on 24th June. If you are around on Sunday (today) after the service we can have a quick chat. If you aren’t around then I will make sure you all get an email on Monday and we can work out who is doing what. There are also two deacons helping out, Phil Commons on 17th and John Sherbourne on 24th. Help so far involves – filling the pool on the morning of the baptism, opening up and locking up afterwards and someone to welcome people. Afterwards we will need to drain the pool but that can be done on Sunday or Monday afterwards. There could be a few people doing each thing. I have chatted to both churches about risk assessment/details. The cleaners have kindly agreed to clean out the baptistry on the 16th June.
Administration job at the Yorkshire Baptist Association
I have been approached by Debbie Gamble at the YBA to see if we know anyone in our congregation or known to us who would be interested to apply for a 15 hour administration assistant job based in Leeds city centre with the YBA. Hours are flexible and can be done for example on either two long days or shorter days to fit in with school hours. The link is here Yorkshire Baptist Association | Seeking a new Administrator (yba.org.uk) but if you would like a chat about it you can get in touch with Debbie on email at debbie.gamble@yba.org.uk
Training sessions
Saturday 8th July 10-1.30pm in the church building. A relaxed session on self care including lunch for all those who support others. More information from Jane Coates, Mandy Russell or Shelley.
Saturday 7th October 10-1.30pm in the church building. Loss, grief, and bereavement course led by Care for the family www.careforthefamily.org.uk for all those who would like help to support others going through loss. Limited places available so please book in with Jane Coates or Lesley in the office.
21 July 2023 – a reflection and discussion based on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s letter of 21 July 1944 at 7.15pm in the church building with refreshments.
On 20 July 1944, the plot to kill Hitler failed, and Bonhoeffer knew immediately that some of his companions in the resistance were already dead, and he and others were in even more danger. He wrote a remarkable letter from his prison cell to his friend Eberhard Bethge. It says a lot about being human, and being Christian, in real life. Introduced by Haddon Wilmer on why he finds the letter both instructive and inspiring.
Prayer day
Saturday 22nd July. Please make a note in the diary, its in the planning stages so do have a word with Krys Gadd if you have ideas.
Couple of things to pray for…
It would be great if you could pray for our young people and children this week, that they will know the truth of God’s love and purpose for them right now. Please pray for all those who lead them and support them in some way in church. Pray we get more people who will pray and come alongside them. Thank God that we are a church of all ages and experiences and let’s ask God for His inspiration and heart as we grow together as a community.
Also, thanking God that we were able to host community leaders across Moortown and Alwoodley last Tuesday. Let’s pray that God will help us to keep working together for the good of our community, praying for our area and asking Him for His guidance in all we do.
“How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of the messenger bringing good news,” (Isaiah 52)