Dear friends
Last week some of our church family made a banner showing the different names of Jesus. Each week we’ve looked at ‘epiphany’ moments, a realisation moment when something is revealed. The banner linked well with this theme as the names reveal something about Jesus. The banner will be shown in church this Sunday. My daughter was rightly questioned about the name she wanted to write on the banner, when she asked how to spell ‘baguette’. She wanted to write ‘baguette of life’. She was told that one name of Jesus is the bread of life. If you know my daughter, she hates bread, but the one bread she will eat is a French baguette. It could be silly, or could it be that she recognised Jesus as the bread that she liked, the only bread she’d eat?
This Sunday we read from John 1:43-50 about how Philip and Nathaniel recognise Jesus. We meet at 11-12 midday in the building and online. Pray that God will reveal more of Himself to us as we journey together.
We’ve had a number of new people over the week coming in for a cup of tea/company thanks to our warm space big sign in the car park (they said they saw it and came in) Do pray for all those who come into the building and for those who welcome them. If you don’t know much about warm spaces and you are interested in finding out or coming along, setting up a new session, helping with getting food, then do get in touch.
Other dates…
Sunday night 7-8pm Rock solid group for young people
Beacon cafe meets 9.30-12
Drop in craft group happens on Thursday 2-4pm (bring something or join in with something) or just have a drink/snack. This week someone came to play chess. If you can play and want to play with others come along.
Stepping stones (toddler group) takes place on Tuesday 10-11.30. We are now at capacity so do talk to Diane Sunter, Hilary Darling or myself if you know someone who wants to come or if you can help.
Bibles studies and House Groups continue through the week so check out the website, pick up a flyer from the entrance hall or get in touch if you want to find out when they are.
On Thursday myself and the deacons meet to pray and plan (including budgets). There will soon be a church meeting, date to be confirmed.
9th February ‘Space’ from 6.30pm in church. Bring your instrument and play along, sing, draw, pray, read, dance, creative worship.. drink tea.
23rd February, new Bible study in the evening (time to be decided but probably about 7/7.30) the first of 24 sessions giving an overview of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation and seeing what that big story means now in our lives and our world, meeting at church fortnightly with Gareth Gadd see https://moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk/learn-the-bible-in-24-hours-an-exciting-new-course-starts-here-at-mbc-in-february/
It’s been a busy time over the advent/Christmas period in church but I’ll be in touch after the weekend with some more updates and catch ups. If you have anything you want to chat about then do get in touch with me or a deacon or contact Lesley on (0113) 2693750 or admin@moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and she’ll let me know or sort a suitable time.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.(Psalm 34:18)
In Christ