Dear friends
This Sunday is ‘Stir up Sunday’. It’s a name associated with stirring up all the ingredients of a Christmas cake before the first Sunday of Advent. However, the name ‘Stir up Sunday’ actually comes from a prayer that is often said in traditional churches on the Sunday before Advent. The prayer goes like this..
“Stir up O Lord, the wills of your faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen”
In other words,
“Stir us up afresh to seek your will and play our part in bringing the fruit of good works, not because of us but because of you Jesus. Amen”
What would it look like to have our will ‘stirred up’ by Jesus to be more fruitful? The ingredients of a Christmas cake need to be stirred up for the smells of the fruit and spices can be released and so that the ingredients can be moulded, shaped, and formed. What is stirring us up lately? How is this affecting us? Where is God in this?
On Sunday, there will be time for all ages to consider this in our service at 11am in the building and on YouTube. There will be a group where children can explore creatively together. We’ll be continuing with looking at how the story of Ruth points to Jesus and focusing on Jesse who was ‘stirred up’ by God to respond.
In the afternoon at 4pm we welcome Sue and John Wilson over tea as we hear how God is moving in France and how they were stirred up to serve there for 36 years. All ages welcome. Food and drink are included. Rock Solid youth group are invited, and Sue and John are looking forward to meeting them so there will be no separate meeting in the evening.
Do come with your questions.
Here’s what’s coming up in the week…
Monday 25th November 10am-12 Warm welcome space and beacon café. Food pantry available.
Tuesday 26th November Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers, 10-11.30am
Tuesday afternoon there’s a house group in church. See Howard Dews.
Tuesday evening 7.30-9pm Deacons and Shelley meeting in church
Wednesday 27th November Lunchclub for those registered and the volunteers. See Rachel Beedle for more information.
Wednesday 27th November 6.30pm PACT meeting in church (Policing and Community Together for Moortown ward) All welcome.
Wednesday evening there’s house group at 7.30pm in church, see Ruth and Andy Berry. Also, a house group with Diane Sunter.
Thursday 28th November is warm welcome space craft group 2-4pm in church.
Thursday evening there is a bible study with Gareth Gadd at 7pm in church
Friday 29th November there is a house group at 8pm in Adel, see Jonathan and Hilary Darling.
Friday morning at 10am there is a bible study in church. See Shelley or Lesley if you are interested.
Saturday 30th November at 2pm Christmas Decorations go up in church! If you would like to help, we’d love to see you. We’ll be decorating the Christmas tree in café church on Sunday morning.
Sunday 1st December 11am Advent café church, all ages together with fruit, pastries, and drinks. We start our advent theme ‘Down to earth’ and look creatively at John 1:1-14
Rock Solid youth meet 7-8pm in church
Extra Christmas dates in December…
Saturday 7th December at 1.30-3.30pm “Sing along Christmas carols and festive songs with Steel Crazy steel pan band, festive treats and a fun Christmas quiz.”
Sunday 8th December 11am Service together with children’s group and then at 3pm “Stepping Stones and friends” Christmas Nativity
Wednesday 11th December Christmas Wednesday worship,1.30pm -2pm in the music room with refreshments.
Sunday 15th December at 3pm “Creative wreath making workshop where you will learn how to make your own Christmas wreath to take home, materials and festive refreshments will be provided. £10 each. Please invite your friends. Wreath making is pretty popular, and we provide both fresh foliage and bought decorations for you to use so please book in with Lesley. For those who haven’t been before we walk through the steps with you so come along and try something new or build on your skills from last year. If you have a favourite pair of scissors/secateurs you may want to bring them along, but we will have some for you to use anyway.”
Sunday 22nd December 11am All age Nativity
Monday 23rd December 10-12 Festive Beacon
Tuesday 24th December afternoon Christmas Eve All Age Christingle at 4.30pm
Wednesday 25th December morning all age Christmas Day celebration at 10.30am
We’ll produce some little Christmas cards this week with some of the services/events on so you can invite others to come along!
Some new advent books to consider for the coming season…
Rediscovering the Magic of Christmas: An Advent Adventure from Genesis to Revelation – 15 Aug. 2024
by John Hayward (Author)
Women of the Nativity: An Advent and Christmas Journey in Nine Stories – 30 Aug. 2024
by Paula Gooder (Author)
Do Not Be Afraid: The Joy of Waiting in a Time of Fear: The Archbishop of York’s Advent Book 2024 – 19 Sept. 2024
by Rachel Mann (Author)
There are photographs on facebook and on our website showing some the events of last week including our interfaith Beacon and Mitzvah Day. Do have a look on facebook or www.moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk
In Christ