Dear friends
A few weeks ago we started to look at Romans 12:2…. be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
It simply means that we see things more through Gods eyes, we interpret life through His truths and this shifts how we see the world, ourselves, others and God. It means that we see life not just through our own experiences, learnt behaviour, preferences or traumas. It’s sometimes described as having a kingdom perspective over all perspectives. Not that our own isn’t important, but there is a lens that we see our own experiences through. It’s about making a moment-by-moment choice and living as a new creation with Gods spirit to help us. Some people find it hard to see how their mind is transforming over time so that’s why its good to encourage others with things we see, let the bible speak to us or to take time out to ask God to show us what he has been working on or helping us with and how we have changed. It’s a big topic and we aren’t finished there…
Last week we looked at seeing strength in our weakness. This week we see how the mind as it is renewed, can find peace in the midst of a storm looking at Philippians 4:4-7.
We’ll meet at 11am in church and online. The service will include communion and have some activities for our younger members.
Thanks to those who took part in leading Wednesday worship last week and all who came. The topic they felt God wanted to speak about was ‘flourish’ and some shared about how God shows he is with them and what a plant needs in order to flourish.… do ask about it if you missed it and are interested. There will be another in a month’s time. Next time, fruitfulness. I’ll check the date with Rachel.
In Christ