Church at Home 10.45am, 21 March – Jesus the gardener. This Service will also include Communion

This week’s Church at Home looks at Jesus the gardener and will be based on the parable of the mustard seed that we find in Matthew chapter 13 verses 31 and 32. In readiness for this Service, earlier in the week Shelley sent out a request for us to send in pictures of our own gardens. Your response was brilliant, thank you, some of your images can be seen in the montage above.  

After our live Facebook welcome (10.45am) which you can reach either by clicking HERE or by going to our pre-recorded programme will be available on YouTube by clicking HERE. This part of the Service will include Communion. 

Once again we will be using a Journeying with Jesus Chat Mat (see above left) which can be downloaded via this LINK or of course you can pick a copy up from the box at the front of church.


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