Dear friends
Just a quick update today to remind you of the following dates
Café church 5th February 11-12ish in church and online…following on with epiphany moments in the gospels..with creative activities for all ages
Warm space beacon café 9.30-midday on 6th February
Stepping Stones 10-11.30 in church 7th February
Warm space and bring a craft, or join in one provided or have a chat or read a book on 9th February 2-4 in church
Space at 6.30-9pm 9th February. Drop in and bring an instrument or drawing book or some and sing or just be. Refreshments and pens/paper/flags provided for all ages.
Service in church 11-12 midday on 12th February…following our series on epiphany moments…with separate activity for our younger friends or those who learn in a different way
A look ahead also to…21st February 7,30pm church meeting in church and online
For house groups do get in touch or pick up a sheet in the foyer
There are a number of people who are poorly or experiencing loss at the moment as well as those who have some new jobs or adventures coming up. We’ll keep praying for each other and our community as we journey together and look forward with our gracious God who has us all in the palm of His hand
In Christ