Shelley’s news for 18th February

Dear friends

Tomorrow, we meet at 11am in the church building and on zoom to pray, worship, meet together and see what God wants to say to us through an epiphany moment for Peter when he walks on water (Mark 6:45-56). We are excited to share communion and also to welcome new members to MBC.  We’ll have tea and coffee afterwards as you stay and chat and maybe say hello to someone you don’t yet know. If anyone is able to help with this do let me know.

Next week many churches observe the beginning of Lent, a word from the old English meaning ‘Spring season’ or from the Latin meaning 40th. This links to the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday following Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday where people traditionally used up left-over eggs and sugar.  Some people like to read something new or follow prayers or readings.  Here are a few in case…


Images of Grace by Amy Scott Robinson. A journey from darkness to light at Easter                                       

Failure by Emma Ineson… What Jesus said about Sin, mistakes and messing up  (connected to this is Emma’s study guide for Lent called ‘Dust and Glory’, there is also a children lent journey too).

A place for us by Lavinia Byrne and Jane Mc Bride. ..  A course for small groups or individual reflection for Lent based on the musical west side story

If you prefer to use your phone or have it read to you, the Lectio 365 app is following the whole of Marks gospel through Lent beginning on the 22nd February.  See details here or ask me if you need a hand getting it on your phone or ipad.  

As well as the usual groups and warm spaces next week (please see the website or pick up an A4 guide in the foyer) we host the church meeting at 7.30 in the building and online on Tuesday 21st February.  Everyone welcome.  Agendas have gone out but if you need to talk to anyone beforehand get in touch with Lesley our administrator, Shelley or one of the deacons.  Please pray for what God is doing and wants to do on earth by the power of His spirit.

Thanks to some kind donations and your giving we have been able to start re decorating and re designing the foyer at church and one of the corridors.  We are looking at all the spaces in church over time.  We are keen to make MBC a safe, positive, clear and welcoming space for all our community.  If you want to chat to me about ideas, artwork, words…I’d love to hear from you.

February 24th marks 1 year since a full-scale invasion of Russia into the territory of Ukraine. There will be prayer and time to pay tribute to those who gave up their lives for freedom in Dortmund Square in Leeds City Centre at 7.30pm on Friday 24th February.  All welcome.

Please continue to pray for and give to those involved in the Syrian/Turkish earthquake. Donatiomns can be made via  Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal 2023 | Donate Now | DEC  

 For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor 5:7)

In Christ 



Moortown Baptist Church

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