MBC has been an overseas Mission supporting church from its beginning back in 1955. Over the years we, as the church, have sent out people to evangelistic, pastoral, medical and educational service in some of the least evangelised and /or most needy countries in the world. Among them some (Philomena Commons and Roger Robson) are still in membership today, and one couple, John and Sue Wilson, are still working in Pastoral and Youth Ministry in France after over 30 years.
Only a few members have been able to work overseas, but we all can support the work through informed prayer and giving.
This has been done by sending money regularly from the Church’s income and by faithful individuals giving regular or one-off donations. The number of these individuals has declined considerably in recent years. The church’s monthly donation to BMS has inevitably reduced as the effects of Covid and the divisions which happened in lockdown have led to a much smaller membership.
However, the one source of funding which has risen is the BIRTHDAY SCHEME.
This is a very simple idea which we all can take part in because we ALL HAVE BIRTHDAYS ONCE A YEAR!! In fact we encourage folk to reveal the fact in our Sunday services, and reward them with chocolate and a chorus of “Happy Birthday”.
If you join the Birthday Scheme you will receive a Birthday Card, news of BMS’ work, and an envelope/or other methods of making YOUR ANNUAL GIFT TO BMS. You’ll also receive Engage magazine 3 times a year through the post.
All you have to do is give your address and Birthday (NOT your age!) to Roger Robson in church or on 07929100598 or at roger.robson1@ntlworld.com
This is a simple way of making a serious commitment to support the work of the church worldwide and as your response to Jesus’ “ Great Commission” in Matthew 28 v18 – 20 to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”
A birthday response, thanking God for another year and being thanked by countless people around God’s world.