12th March – news from MBC


Dear friends

A lot can happen in a week.  Sometimes things can happen that appear connected, even though their timings span over many years. On Tuesday, the Jewish festival of Purim took place followed on Wednesday by International Women’s Day.  Purim is a festival of joy; in the Jewish community centre next door they held a Purim Party!.  At first glance it doesn’t seem a joyful story to remember as it marks the time when the Jewish people were nearly destroyed at the hands of Haman and his followers.  However, Esther who became Queen, bravely spoke out to the King on behalf of the Jewish people and the Jewish people were saved.  Esther sought wisdom in discerning the right thing to do, much of that came from the words of Mordecai who encouraged her to courageously speak out at that time (Esther 4:14).

To speak out or not to speak out has been another topic filling our newsfeeds over the last few days.  As God’s children we are called to speak up against injustice as it says in Proverbs 31:8, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed”.  Again, we need wisdom to discern God’s ways and see things as God sees them, to show compassion and wisdom in our responses.  Some people have been asking ‘What is the church’s response to some of this?’  I’m sharing this statement made jointly from the Methodist Church, United Reformed Church and the Baptist Union on one issue this week in case you wanted to have a read and a pray.

Response to the ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ – March 2023 (jpit.uk)  

Tomorrow we meet in the building and online at 11am for our service together.  There’ll be activities for our younger members during the talk part of the service.  We continue to explore ‘epiphany’ or ‘wow’ moments, but I’ve also been pondering the idea that these wow moments are shared as we journey together.  Like a stone thrown in a lake, the ripples of an individual ‘wow’ moment spreads.  We see this in the gospel stories over the last few weeks.  So, as we journey towards Easter I pray it’s something that we not only notice but we actively look out for, pray for and act on.  With this in mind, the next few weeks go like this…

Sunday 12th March          Journeying with mountain tops and       shadows                    Luke 9:37-50

Sunday 19th March          Journeying with compassion                                                 Luke 13:31-35 (with communion)

Sunday 26th March          Journeying with vision                                                            Luke 9:51-62

Sunday 2nd April              Journeying with praise   (Palm Sunday café church)              Luke 19:28-44

Sunday 9th April               Journeying with joy         (Easter Sunday)                             Luke 24:1-12

Sunday 16th April             Journeying with Jesus                                                             Luke 24:13-35 (with communion)

It would be great if Easter week could be a bit of a journey for us to travel too from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.  If you have any ideas on this can you let me know.  I have a few thoughts that I’ll share by next week.  We are also hoping to put on a talk on the Tuesday and a film with popcorn on the Wednesday as well as a service on Good Friday, a café and some creative activities.

This week we have Beacon café, craft group, warm spaces, Steppingstones and bible studies continuing.  Do ask if you want to know more.  Look at the website too for our latest news at www.moortownbaptistchurch.org,uk

A little bit of good news…we will be providing some accessible cupboards in the building as we have been successful in receiving another £750 Warm Space funding.  Any ideas for other things then let me know! Thank God for all the ways he is supporting the work of the church here at Moortown.  Thanks for all you are bringing too, keep praying and giving into the vision that God has given us.

Trusting in God’s timing  

In Christ


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