Dear brothers in Christ,
Greetings and may you have blessed holidays!
We hope you are well and we thank God for all your support these years. May the Lord reward you! Again, this year we helped families in difficult situations, both financially and with food packages. On the occasion of the winter holidays, we distributed 240 food packages to families from our church and to families from the church branches. The youth of the church had this year a spring retreat and also a summer camp and again we organized a youth conference. In the fall the young people chose to go on a mission to Scornicesti to have followship with the brothers from that village. Below we are sending you this year’s thank you notes from the youth who benefited from your support.
We continue the collaboration with the Roma church in Floresti, by offering financial support to brother Hoca as well as paying the heating expenses of the church. This year, the money you sent were used for some necessary repairs to the church in Floresti. The work with refugees from Ukraine continued and currently in our church we still have nine families who attend our church.
At the church level, we continue to have works with the seniors of the church, young families, children, teenagers and young people ministry, mission works both in the branches and mission and projects with international students who are in Romania studying. In the church building in Mănăstur, we started a renovation project that will expand over several years, and this year we completed the church parking lot with a capacity of 50 places, following the change of the air conditioning, sound system, lighting system and in the last stage to change the pew benches in the church.
We wish you a holiday full of peace and joy!
God bless you!
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 1:14