2024 Summer. A reminder from Shelley of what’s on, what’s not on and what’s on sometimes.

Dear friends

My update today includes all we know about what’s happening at MBC over the Summer.  The next update will be the week of the 12th August. 

Groups ‘on pause’ until September

Stepping Stones under 5’s midweek toddler group, Diane’s Wednesday night house group and the Friday morning bible study.

Groups continuing throughout August

Beacon café and warm welcome space will take place every Monday 10-12midday apart from the August bank holiday Monday 26th August.

The Lords pantry food is available every Monday and Tuesday morning between 10 and 12 (apart from 26th August).  It’s worth saying that it is for both the wider community and those within the church community.  Do have a confidential word with myself, Karen or a deacon if needed.

Tuesday afternoon house group in church, bring lunch to eat with others at 12.30 then join in a one off study each week through the Summer.  The group thought this might make it easier if you miss a couple of want to try out one of the sessions if you haven’t been to the group before. See Howard Dews for information (the 6th August maybe slightly different).

Wednesday evening house group with Ruth/Andy Berry in church and on zoom 7.30-9.15pm.  You are welcome to go along in the Summer for one or more sessions if you don’t usually go to the group and want to do something in the summer.

Thursday afternoon warm welcome space and craft group 2-4pm in the church building (15th August maybe different.. we’ll keep in touch)

Thursday evening bible study with Gareth Gadd in church 7pm.  Open to all.

Please see Hilary or Jonathan or Steve or Helen about Friday night housegroup

Groups that happen every so often in the Summer

Lunch Club takes place on..7th August in the sports hall and 21st August in the main Sanctuary.  On the 21st August members of Rock Solid youth group are invited to join the fun activities and chat including lunch!  There will be a film and ice-creams for lunchclub on the 28th August.  More info to follow.  

Wednesday Worship takes place on 21st August at 1.30.  Do chat to Rachel about your favourite hymn or chorus and why its special to you if you want to share. Open to all.

Youth groups are meeting in August but they are still working out the programme so Lesley and the group leaders will be in touch.

Sundays in July and August

Sundays in August will be designed for all ages together.  As part of this there will always be a connected craft or activity for anyone who would like to explore the message creatively at the time.  Feel free to bring sketchbooks/notepads.

Sunday 28th July service at 11am in church and online.  Luke 16:1-9 with creative crafts in church to make and take home, connected to this week’s message. 

Sunday 4th August Café church for all.  Creatively exploring Luke 19:11-27 at 11am and online.

Sunday 11th August we begin a mini-series based on John 4 continuing to look at the power of story.  This week its ‘Jesus Story’ John 4:1-13.  There will be no live feed this week as we are meeting in the sports hall and meeting areas so there will be a different ‘feel’ to the gathering, maybe cosier, but we will have creative ways to explore the message through craft and activities. 

Sunday 18th August back in the main room (Sanctuary) at 11am with live feed for part two of the mini-series from John 4:13-26  ‘My Story’ with connected crafts and activities. With communion.

Sunday 25th August 11am in the building and online on  MBC Youtube channel part three of our mini-series from John 4:27-42 ‘Our Story’ with connected crafts and activities.

New group for the Summer

The prayer course by Pete Grieg of 24/7 prayer movement Home – 24-7 Prayer International

Krys will facilitate the course on Sundays, a mix of in person and on zoom.  It starts this Sunday in the church building for about an hour after church.  The following week it will be done on zoom at 7.30pm, then the week after back to in person and so on.  Please see the website for more information or talk to Krys or Lesley.  Bring your lunch along for the after-church sessions. It will run every Sunday until the last one on the 15th September. 

Prayer Course – Starting Sunday 28th July – Moortown Baptist Church

Work around the building

On Tuesday 6th August, work starts on the floor of the main church room known as the sanctuary.  It is being sanded and re-covered.  It will need time to dry therefore will not be usable for two weeks. Therefore, on 11th August the service and Beacon on the 12th August will be in different rooms but they are both still happening.

A couple of people are looking to arrange a day or two to do some sorting in church.  We could do with one or two volunteers to help us sort the book library too. Dates to come (and also let us know when you are around).  In the meantime if you have things that you have left in church and meant to take home can you pick them up please.  Also, it’s great to have donations of things but can you give them directly to Lesley or Karen or a deacon so we can work out where they should go. Thankyou.

The website and our Facebook pages are constantly updated so keep an eye out over Summer.  There are leaflets in the entrance of church with our usual events, Lesley is in the building Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning so give her an email or call or ask a group leader or myself.  If you want to see me and can’t find me then do chat to Lesley and she will book in a time that is convenient for us.   

Thanks everyone

“He lets me rest in green meadows;

he leads me beside peaceful streams.

He restores my soul” (Psalm 23:2)


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