Florin and Dana Fodor bring us up to date with a message from Romania


The Teacher as a Candle – by Crina Bob, volunteer in our Teachers’ Ministry

A teacher full of passion is like a scented candle- in order to spread light and aroma, it consumes itself. He/she is continually sacrificing, in a multitude of relationships: students, parents or colleagues.  

Ionela was a young teacher who came to work at our school a few years ago. She was a selfless and sensitive person, full of desire to invest her best in the lives of future generations. We immediately connected with each other. We wished we could have met more often, but we did not have enough time. I enjoyed every time she came to me for advice (facing a challenge with her students or their parents). I knew God wanted to use me in her life and I tried to help her.

One day, I saw Ionela in the corridor. She told me she had a difficult week- a sensitive situation with a parent of a student. Later on that day, I called her. I encouraged her, I told her she is a wonderful person and I appreciate her. At the end of the call, she told me: „I am feeling better! Thank you for your nice words. You have brightened my day!” I was not aware these words were the last ones I would ever hear from her.   

Two days later, her husband called me and shared terrible news: Ionela had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. For the next few days, the Holy Spirit moved the hearts of the teachers in our school. Catholics, Orthodox or Protestants- we all came together in prayer. But God had another plan. He decided to take her home. At the age of 24. 

For me, her passing away is painful. I regret not being able to spend more time with her, to help her grow spiritually and professionally

 At the same time, it teaches me important lessons. I need to live my life so that I will spread more light to those around me- family, society, teachers. Our life is short. Who knows what will be the last words someone will hear from us?

As Christians, we are like candles, consumed for the benefit of others. What kind of aroma will I leave behind? Am I investing my time in things that are eternal? Around us, some people need to hear about the Lord. Others need to be discipled. Still others feel lonely and need a smile, an embrace, an encouragement.

Ionela’s death reminded me that I am (and I need to be) „an aroma of Christ” (2 Cor. 2:15). 

Teachers Conference in Bocșa

Last month we went to the city of Bocșa, where we organized a conference (see picture above) 54 teachers came, representing 10 cities and 14 schools. The topic was Emotional Intelligence in Education (better managing the emotions of the students; building a value system; different learning styles of the students). 

Here are some impressions from the participants

-These were the most valuable 4 hours for my personal development this year.

-I learned to be more confident, to dare to act beyond my comfort zone and to trust God.

-I learned to communicate better with the people around me and be more attentive to their needs.

-It was like fresh air to us. We hope we will be able to continue this ministry.

-I am glad I met you, I spent a quality time here. You serve Christ with passion!

-We enjoyed your presence and your involvement in our lives, as teachers! May God search the hearts of the participants and use us for extending His kingdom.

Thank you for partnering with us. With love and appreciation, Florin and Dana Fodor

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