Shelley’s weekly message – 24 August

Dear friends

We’ll be back in church at 11am with a service all together based on the third section of John 4.. just to recap…three weeks ago we started with exploring John 4:1-13 ‘Jesus story’, then John 4:13-26, how Jesus story became ‘My story’ and on the 25th August we look at John 4:27-42 ‘Our story’.  We consider the ripple effects of the conversation between the Samaritan woman and Jesus and how it reached a whole community.

I often thank God that I have the opportunity to hear stories of the ‘ripple effects’ of the story of God in people’s lives.  It starts with one person meeting Jesus, like the Samaritan woman by the well.  So, transformation comes, one story at a time. 

We are grateful this week for…

All who completed fire marshal training on Monday, we will look to go through a fire drill soon in church.

All those involved in the ‘Rock Solid meets Lunch club’ Day on Wednesday.  See website for some photos.

All those who shared, sang and played at Wednesday Worship Songs of Praise

All those who have visited and prayed for others this week, in our community and further afield

All those helping with our tech issues and wiring this week

All those preparing for our services

There are many more thanks of course that we wouldn’t have room to put here including all our regular groups and all those unseen things that God sees in our day to day lives.

For those on a break we pray you will be refreshed over this time.  For those who find themselves laying down what they would usually do, for many reasons, we pray that you will find your identity in Jesus, just as the Samaritan woman did and let Jesus lead you through the valleys and the mountain tops.

For all the activities and services at Moortown Baptist Church please see the website at,uk

News for the next few weeks..

The prayer course continues after church (See Krys Gadd or website)

No Rock Solid this week, its back on 1st September at 7pm-8pm

Beacon café takes a break this week, back on the 2nd September

Wednesday 28th August is a film afternoon in the music room arranged by Rachel Beedle.  All invited to come watch Singing in the rain!  1.45pm start until 4pm. There will be choc ices in the interval for all!

Wednesday night house group in church takes a break this week, back on the 4th September

Craft group, warm welcome space is on Thursday 29th August 2-4pm in church

A reminder about a musical coming up on the 29th August (currently at Edinburgh Fringe Festival).  A numb er of people are going from Moortown.  Please ask if you have questions.  Follow link here,  It is Well with My Soul… a new musical playing at Knaresborough’s Frazer Theatre on Thursday 29th August. – Moortown Baptist Church

Saturday 31st August is Candice and Nelson’s Wedding Day.  All are invited to support and celebrate with them at the service at 2pm. Invited guests to the wedding reception afterwards.

Sunday 1st September 11am All Age café church John 4: 43-54 with linked activities ‘The story continues…’

Lesley is on leave this week so be aware if you are sending emails to her admin email. If you need a quicker reply contact myself or a deacon or a group leader.  She’ll be back in on Monday 2nd September.

Church meeting is 10th September 7.30pm and on zoom.  Part of this meeting will be to vote on a small change to the constitution (discussed at the last meeting) connected to voting online.  Voting for this change will happen in the building only (and not online) on the 10th September.  However, if the members vote to change it on this evening, it will allow for online voting at future meetings.  A zoom connection will still be available on the 10th but votes won’t be counted for those online.

Emails went out this week with details of the proposed constitution change as well as details about nominating new deacons in October.  There are a number of paper copies that have been made for those who cannot currently access emails.  These can be picked up on Sunday after the service.  If you need a paper copy and can’t be there on Sunday please let me or a deacon know.

In Christ


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