Shelley signposts another busy week for MBC

Dear friends

We meet tomorrow at 11am in the building and online where we look at the theme of Jesus sustaining us, in John 6 but also starting to look at the story of Ruth. There will be a separate group during the talk with linked teaching and activities for children.

Next Sunday we have our baptism service.  Everyone welcome, do come and support and pray and join in.  We’ll have some refreshments and if you can bring a cake or sweet treats (no nuts) then can you let Lesley or Karen or a deacon know. The week after is our harvest celebration where there will be opportunity to give money (for Caring for life) or food for the north Leeds foodbank.  We’ll send a harvest specific email out next week.

A reminder that all those who have joined any of the Prayer Course are invited to bring lunch on the 6th October after church for a time of sharing and prayer.

Thanks to all those who helped with the tabletop sale last Saturday raising money for the women’s development centre in Kandy, Sri Lanka.  Thanks to Krys who was behind the organising.  Over £700 was raised at the last count!

Lesley reminded everyone last week that the last day to put in nominations for deacons is tomorrow.  If you want a chat about any of this then do get in touch.   

Do pray for Howard, Bela and Jean who flew to Romania today to meet with some of the churches we support and people where relationships have been built over the years with people at MBC.  

“Taste and see that the Lord is good;
 blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

(Psalm 34:8)


Minister – Moortown Baptist Church

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