In the 1980’s when young John Wilson started to bring his then girlfriend to MBC, the question on everyone’s lips wasn’t anything to do with grace, peace or even love but… what colour would Sue’s hair be this week. Would it, as Roger reminded us on Sunday afternoon be pink, or maybe even blue?
Anyway, to cut a long story short, more than forty years on from the start of that courtship, John and Sue were back at MBC this last weekend as the final stop on what today’s rock bands would call their retirement tour; a tour specifically mapped out to allow them to personally thank individuals and churches alike for their support.
With almost a hundred people in the room, following tea and two or three wonderfully led worship songs, Roger welcomed and introduced John and Sue.
What followed was not only a fascinating account of many of the projects the couple had been involved in whilst living abroad, but based on Lamentations 3: verses 22 and 23 a brief look at how “the steadfast love of God never ceases,” about hope and about obedience to Jesus.
It really was a joy to welcome John and Sue back to Moortown. As they now settle into retirement (in what ever form that takes) we hope and pray that their most recent visit won’t be the last we see of them.