Shelley’s message… 22 February

Dear friends

Just a short email this evening as I will send another email on Monday as we have a number of things coming up.  I took a couple of days out of what I usually do with church to rest (in a Shelley kind of way) but I look forward to seeing many of you on Monday.

Tomorrow, we meet in the building at 11am.  There will be some linked activities using clay to connect in with what Phil C will be sharing.  Last week was a good time of fellowship and hearing from God although we had a problem with the screen and youtube.  Thank you to those who have been working on this through the week, we hope to have a livestream tomorrow.  Rock Solid youth group have a break for half term tomorrow but return the week after.

Just a couple of notices before Mondays email..

A reminder about the deacons meeting next Monday at 7.30pm

The funeral of Gillian Bayliffe takes place in church at 11.30am on Thursday 27th February followed by refreshments in church.  All who remember Gillian or want to support David and the family are invited.

Next Saturday we will be joining in with Gather25 from 1 until 2 (mentioned in last week’s email) then we will be joining to pray together for our world, country, city and church until 3ish.  Everyone welcome



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