Besides all our usual features which this week include our two Warm Space sessions that’s Beacon cafe on Monday and Thursday’s Craft Group we have two very special drawers. One is on Thursday evening starting at 7.30pm and it’s simply called When there are no words. This is an hour long performance in which Michael Tinker takes an honest look at the heartbreak of loss but also the rays of hope that we see through Jesus.
Based around the time when Michael’s father Melvin passed away it’s been described as “an engaging and moving evening of live music” and, “songs on the theme of death sounded tough as well as helpful! But persist we did, and what followed was an evening richly knit together with sensitivity, deep theology and hope.
Tickets are £10 each and can be obtained from Lesley Murphy in the MBC church office or you can of course pay on the door.
The other is our Table Top Sale which runs between 10.30am and 2,30pm on Saturday November 11th. Krys Gadd, one of our deacons supports a Women’s Development Centre in Sri Lanka and is hoping to pay a return visit there in the new year.
Krys assures us that anything and everything you ever wanted for Christmas will be available AND she assures us at very reasonable prices.
There will be tea, cakes and a raffle – what more could you ask for just 6 and a bit weeks before Christmas.