A lovely send off for Gwen Bucktrout

Gwen Bucktrout who died last month at the age of 99 would have loved her funeral. It all started at 10am with family and friends gathering at MBC to hear tributes to this lovely lady from our own Shelley Dring and from Ted Britton. 

Then for 11.30am the guests moved on to Lawnswood where the lady herself was awaiting them. As Ted Britton said during his eulogy… “that was typical of Gwen, always wanted to be involved but never the centre of attention.”

At the crem the music choice was brilliant; Matt Monro singing Portrait of my Love, Some Enchanted Evening played by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and finally Eric and Ernie singing Bring me Sunshine.

The final port of call was The Lawnswood Arms where once again over the sandwhiches the conversation all revolved around Gwen. 

Thank you Gwen for a life well lived, thank you for your friendship and thank you for bringing sunshine into our lives. 



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