To be honest I don’t think MBC’s first day back in the building could have gone much better. Yes there were technical glitches, like the last minute switch from YouTube to Facebook for the live stream but as someone said “worse things happen at sea.” But as for the weather, well it too could hardly have been better; a very acceptable 21 degrees Celsius made things very pleasant for the dozen or so who joined the 50 in church and the 25 online from the shade of our gazebos.
And it’s funny, although many might question my choice of adjective how coincidental it was that for the first time in a number of years John and Sue Wilson (our BMS Mission Partners in Paris) were with us ahead of an afternoon in which a further 60 to 70 supported our Romania Support Group’s annual cream tea fundraiser by tucking into scones, jam and of course cream.
The pictures you see in this post are a mix of screenshots taken from the live Facebook stream (this is available to watch 24/7 at as well as on the MBC YouTube channel) and some camera images kindly sent in by Phil Coates – hence the difference in quality.
However, one thing that can’t be called into question is the spirit, the fellowship, the genuine feeling of grace and truth that radiated from 204 King Lane as once more, despite the trials and tribulations of the last 15 months Moortown Baptist Church came together and put Jesus front and centre.
Of course it wouldn’t be MBC or for that matter any other church if following a visit from friends serving overseas we didn’t make an appeal for your support for their ministry.
John and Sue have worked with BMS World Mission for more than 30 years, however, before that John himself was not only a member here at Moortown but between 1981 and 83 he was our first Youth Pastor.
The image you see to the left is the front cover of a BMS 24:7 Partners brochure which when opened up not only tells you more about them and the work they are currently doing in France but also includes a pre-paid return slip through which you can arrange to give a regular amount to support that work. You can also sign up online at
If all that sounds a bit complicated an alternative is to speak with Roger Robson and he’ll help you set things up.