Dear friends
Katherine May says in her book ‘Wintering’ (not written from a Christian perspective) that communities of spiritual and religious gatherings are ‘awe- inspiring’, ‘elastic, stretching to take in all kinds of people, and bringing unexpected perspectives and insights. We need them now more than ever’. They challenge us to not stick within tight circles. This advent, as we move to Advent 3, over half way through our advent journey, we are thankful for the stretchiness of our community and those who provide hospitality, thought and welcome to those who find themselves part of it, even for a short time.
This Sunday we start at 11am for worship together with communion. There will be a group for our younger friends, looking at Luke 2:8-20. After the service a small group are going to carol sing at a local home for elderly people and then we have the wreath making workshop 3-5pm. Rock Solid youth meet 7-8pm in the building.
Please see the website at www.moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk for an update on activities and services.
A couple of things to highlight…
There is a Beacon café at 10-12 as usual on Monday 16th December and a Festive Beacon on 23rd December, when some of our friends from Leeds Jewish Housing association will be coming along and bringing Hannukah snacks along with our Christmas treats.
Next Sunday at 11am we have our all-age nativity service with carols/Christmas songs. If you want a part, then do let me know, we’d love to have you. We’ll also be seeing some of our stars from the toddler nativity last week.
No Rock Solid on the 22nd and 29th December and Beacon café takes a break too on the 30th December, back on the 6th January. If you know someone who is struggling over Christmas do get in touch or let us know. Food pantry is available if needed but we won’t be running an official session on 30th.
It will be lovely to join together at our All Age Christingle service on Christmas Eve 4.30pm to 5.15pm where there will be oranges with candles and sweets for all.. it’s always a special ‘pause’ moment before the big day and we often have many from our local community and their family and friends. Then we are together on Christmas Day at 10.30 for a short service designed for all ages as we celebrate Jesus on our advent journey together!
In Christ