Another busy week at MBC

Dear friends

This Sunday is known to many in the church as Pentecost Sunday, the day when we remember the Holy Spirit joining with the friends of Jesus in a powerful way as they sat together in an upper room.  We’ll read about it in Acts 2 of the bible. 

When I was younger, I knew the day as Whitsunday and mum and dad bought me and my sister a new dress each.  The name Whitsuntide referred to an old medieval holiday, a time when those who were forced to work the land were allowed a time to rest, pause, to ‘catch their breath’.  All of us at some time need a time to ‘catch our breath’.  Interestingly, the Greek word for Spirit in the new testament part of the bible is ‘pneuma’, often translated as ‘breath’. Amongst all the ups and downs of life, lets take a moment to ask the ‘pneuma’, the breath of God, God with us, the comforter to refresh us again. Let’s remember to ‘take a breath’.   

Week of 27th May…

Sunday 27th May. 11 o clock Pentecost Service with a group for our younger friends to creatively explore the theme together.  Also on our Youtube channel.

Wednesday 31st May. Beacon warm welcome café. The day has changed from Monday to Wednesday just for this week.  10-12 midday, all welcome, free drinks and breakfast snacks.

There’ll be no Stepping Stones under 5’s group or lunchclub this week (but do come to Wednesday beacon)

I’m not sure which house groups are running this week so if you go to one do ask those who lead it and, in the meantime, I’ll try and find out!

Thursday 1st June.  Warm welcome space and craft group 2-4pm.  All welcome.

Sunday 4th June.  café church 11-12midday.  This was due to be a service with the local charity ‘Caring for life’ but they are now joining us on a different day.  I’ll keep you posted.  We’ll still be having café church and we’ll be continuing with our Be transformed theme.

After the service there’s a get together for anyone who is part of the yellow badge prayer team on Sunday mornings or anyone who is interested in finding out what they do and if it might be something they might want to do too. It will be a short informal time to check on how you think it’s going, facilitated by Krys Gadd.  Feel free to bring your lunch.

Rock Solid will meet 7-8pm in the church building.

In the future…

Saturday 8th July 10.00am – 1.30 pm at MBC  Self-Care/Wellbeing session 

This is for church community including the Pastoral Care Team, Church staff, Seniors Team, befrienders, and anyone giving long term support to a partner or family member in any capacity. This is a relaxed session designed to help us intentionally look after ourselves emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. More information to come.  See Jane Coates, Mandy Russell or myself for info.

Saturday 22nd July. Prayer day including opportunities to join together online and in the building.  This day is very much in the planning stages so do let Krys Gadd know if you have ideas.

Saturday 7th October 10.00am – 1.30pm at MBC. Loss, Grief and Bereavement Awareness Course

This course will be facilitated by a Member of Staff from Care for The Family, a Christian Organisation  Those who might be interested in coming along include the Pastoral Care Team, MBC Leadership and Staff, Seniors Team, House group leaders and toddler group leaders or anyone in the church family who feels that this course would help them support others experiencing loss or grief. Booking a place is encouraged as places maybe limited.  See Jane Coates or myself for info. 

You might also be interested to know…

…that Sunday 28th May is also the Global day of Prayer.  There is a gathering for anyone in Leeds 6-8pm at New Testament Church of God Church, Easterly Road, LS8 2TN (parking on Upland Road)

Thinking of the spirit as breath, you may value some quiet time.  Northern Baptist College will be hosting an online quiet day including worship and teaching (so it’s not completely silent!)  It’s led by Margaret Gibbs who trained in ethnomusicology, which is the study of music and its meaning in culture. She served with BMS in Nepal and Albania and then as Regional Team Leader for Asia. She is minister of Perry Rise Baptist Church, a multi-cultural congregation in South London.  Follow the link for details  Edifi Online Quiet Day Tickets, Sat 15 Jul 2023 at 10:30 | Eventbrite

A friend of mine is involved in a Christian all age music and arts festival.  Its in Parbold near Wigan.  It’s a bit like the Big Church Day out but it’s much nearer to Leeds and a bit smaller but super friendly.   I’ve put the link here…maybe with a bit more notice we can organise some trips.  I leave this with you for now..

Surfstage Christian Music Festival Parbold

Minutes of the church meeting will be available soon for those who want to catch up or be reminded of what we shared.

To find the new safeguarding policy, go to the website and click ‘About’ and then ‘downloads’. There is a paper copy in the building too, ask Lesley.

See you on Sunday


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