Be Filled and Flow, from Jane Coates

In Him, you also, when you heard the word of truth, the good news of your salvation, and as a result, believed in Him, were stamped with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit, the One promised by Christ, as owned, and protected by God. The Spirit is the guarantee, the first instalment, the pledge, a foretaste of our inheritance until the redemption of God’s own purchased possession, His believers, to the praise of His gloryEphesians 1 v 13-14 AMP 

Don’t drink too much wine, for many evils lie along that path; be filled instead with the Holy Spirit and controlled by him. Ephesians 5 v 18 

Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians from his prison cell in Rome in about AD 60. Ephesus was a very large, influential, and cosmopolitan city in what is Turkey today, and was the centre of worship for the Goddess Artemis. In writing to the Ephesians, Paul was seeking to give clear guidance and teaching to Christians as to who they were in Christ and how they should live. Christians were under great pressure from the influences of their surrounding cultures. Greek culture at the time, included pagan gatherings called symposiums which often involved a lot of drinking in addition to their discussions and gatherings, and Paul would have been very familiar with these kinds of drinking parties. He wanted to warn the Ephesians against joining in with this style of gathering, which could often lead to excesses and so he encourages them to be filled, to be continually, constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul wanted to show that the filling and flow of the Holy Spirit would lead to change, give a greater self-awareness and self-control not less, and an enhanced performance not reduced effectiveness. The filling and flowing were to be continuous. As God’s love flows into every part of our being, it is intended to flow out, fully, and freely to others around us and in our sphere of influence. 

“Let love in and let it out. You are destined to be a channel for God to flow through and not a reservoir that merely sits and collects things. You are special and God has special plans for you.” Joyce Meyer 

I remember listening to a talk by Joel Holm, United Christian Broadcasters entitled The Fluence Principle and he used the scientific principles of ‘flow’ using the key words of fluenceaffluence, influence, and confluence. He asked his Christian listeners to evaluate their ‘fluence factor.’ He was referring to fluence being our outward ‘flow’ of Christian love and care. Affluence being God’s abundant, generous supply and flow of love and grace to us and through us. Influence was that love flowing out, the direction of that flow, and who we shared that love with. Who is in my sphere of influence? Confluence was about flowing together and delighting to work with others. As a church and teams, we can be compelling forces with greater influence as we work together. 

The Holy Spirit is God’s mark on our life, His blessing and grace, His transformation energy, which we should not hold tightly to ourselves. His love and grace are to flow out for others. 

A Prayer 

Just as the owner’s seal is pressed into soft wax as a sign of ownership, I ask for your Holy Spirit to make His mark on my heart and my life. 

May my life reflect His love and may that love be evident to those around me and in my sphere of influence. 

As MBC, may we delight to join together and work for your kingdom here. 

 Charles Wesley Hymn 

1 GRACIOUS Spirit, dwell with me!
I myself would gracious be,
And with words that help and heal
Would thy life in mine reveal;
And with actions bold and meek
Would for Christ my Saviour speak.

2 Truthful Spirit, dwell with me!
I myself would truthful be,
And with wisdom kind and clear
Let thy life in mine appear;
And with actions brotherly
Speak my Lord’s sincerity. 

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