Bela, Jean and Howard check in from Romania

Hello and greetings from Romania; it’s Bela, Jean and Howard here, and by the time you read this we will be just about half way through our visit.

So let me bring you up to date. We began our trip last weekend in the village of Cserefalva where we stayed in the guest house with former pastor Noemi and her husband Csaba, but now we  have moved on to visit the churches in Cluj.

In Cserefalva we attended the Sunday service and took the opportunity to pass on your greetings. We also met their new pastor Elud Marton and his family and he made us very welcome. 

I have to say that so far during our stay we have been invited for a number of superb meals with members of church congregations which for those of you who know the custom here means that we have been very well fed. 

On one of our days we took time out to visit the must see historic city of Sighisoara, the place where Dracula was born. Another day we travelled to visit Zsuzsi and Andor and had a lovely time with them and their family – which of course included looking around their church.

As for the weather – I’m glad to report that so far we have been blessed with sunshine throughout our entire visit.

There are lots of pictures in the gallery below. To view them simply click on any image.

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