Today we welcome Andy Kind to lead a workshop on delivering a message and preaching. It’s great to welcome those who are currently in the music room leaning in for the day.. thanks for giving your time to be open to God and learn.
Tomorrow we meet at 11am for our service and there will be a group for our younger friends on the same theme. We’ll be following on from last week with Matthew 14 vs 22-36
Rock Solid for youth meet 7-8pm in the church building in the evening.
Next Sunday our 11am service (with communion) will be followed by a bring and share lunch, time to just be, eat and relax together. If you bring something to share, please make sure it is prepared before you get here as there won’t be space to make things up in the kitchen. If things need to go in the fridge, we’ll get as much as we can in there. As we talk about God providing food in the wilderness it’s good to be able to thank God for all he gives and trust Him with what comes in. All welcome!
Some other things to let you know about…
I want to let you know that the funeral of Judith Murray, who attended MBC for about 35 years and did the Cubs for about 25 years will be on Thursday 14th March @ 10.00 at St Matthew’s Church. In her later years she attended St Matthew’s church so they will be hosting the funeral. Her husband and daughter invite all those who knew her to go along. Do pray for her family and friends as we thank God for her life on this earth and trust her to Jesus.
You may also be interested in this event in Leeds on 14th March.. click the link here.. Leeds Lives: Celebrating the Lives of Black People in Leeds Tickets, Thu 14 Mar 2024 at 19:00 | Eventbrite at New Testament Church of God Leeds, 3 Easterly Road Roundhay LS8 2TN at 7pm
Monday 11th March 10-12midday beacon warm welcome space
Tuesday 12th March 10 – 11.30pm under 5’s group for children and their parents and carers
Tuesday afternoon – housegroup in the building
Wednesday 13th March – lunchclub for those booked in and the volunteer team (see Rachel Beedle or Lesley for more information)
Wednesday 13th March 7.30pm evening housegroup in church
Thursday 14th March Warm welcome space craft group 2-4pm
Thursday 14th March bible study on Daniel – see Gareth Gadd, at 7pm in the church building.
Friday 15th March – 10am bible study with Carol and Robert Owen, please see them or myself if you are interested
Wednesday 20th March – Easter Wednesday worship with communion at 1.30pm
Tuesday 26th March – 7.30pm Church meeting with updates, prayer and election of deacons
Friday 29th March – Good Friday worship and activities in the morning.. time tba, probably between 10 and 10.30am
Afternoon of Good Friday… Krys Gadd has organised a walk..
Meeting Point: White Wells Car Park, Ilkley https://maps.app.goo.gl/gW4wfiJfv7TmmWJB8
Time of Meeting: 2pm
Length of walk: 1.5 hours in total (maximum)
“I would love to share this wonderful view with you on Good Friday. It is just a stones throw from where we live and it’s where I walk probably 2 or 3 times a week. From the car park is the steepest part of the walk, for around 10 minutes and after that it levels off for a while. The inclines are not too steep and the path is a gravel one with very few muddy bits. I would recommend walking boots or sturdy trainers if you have them, just for your comfort.
The view at the top (near the Swastika stone) is amazing. You can see out to the Dales on a clear day. When we get there I would love it if we could pause, pray and read out a scripture. You can walk further along the top after that or simply come back down the way we came. I would suggest bringing a warm drink and a snack as well as suitable outerwear as it can be a little windy at the top!
If you would like to come and can offer a lift to someone then please add your name to the sign up sheet I will bring to the church over the next few weeks. If you would like to come and need a lift then also please add your name to the sign up sheet with details of where you live. Or send a message to Lesley in the office and she will pass it on. You can of course just turn up and walk with us at 2pm without signing up. Praying for sunshine and clear views.” Krys Gadd.
Sunday 31st March – Easter Sunday 11am all together worship with Easter egg Hunt and baptisms
If you would like to talk about baptism then do get in touch with me or contact to Lesley to pass on a message and I’ll get back to you.
Thanks to those getting back about welcome team and the creche, we’ll be in touch this week. Deacons statements will also go out next week. Thank you for your prayers and discernment.
Moortown Baptist Church