With upwards of seventy people in church and more joining via YouTube our Christingle, Carol Service set the scene for a truly wonderful Christmas.
A terrific mix of traditional carols (one even set to the classic Yorkshire anthem On Ilkley Moor bar t’at) and a telling of the Christmas story that grew and grew from “In the beginning was the word” – narrated over the Star Wars theme, to the time the wise men presenting their gifts were a marvellous build up to us all making our own Christingles, which when the lights were dimmed and the flickering flames were spread round the room really brought home how no matter how dark the darkness may appear the light of Christ will always break through.
Huge thanks to Shelley but also to Cas, Hilary, Jessica and Emma, to Martyn, to all the singers and musicians and of course to anyone else I have forgotten to name.