Catalyst Lite. Roger Robson reports on a live online event that through serious thought, challenging debate and even a touch of comedy, rap and jazz brought to the fore a number of hugely challenging issues

In addition to Engage, BMS produces Mission Catalyst a magazine about the “Mission of the Mind”, taking themes such as Freedom; Worship; Islam etc. etc…and exploring them through writers of national and international reputation. Over the last decade “Catalyst Live” full-day events have been held to hear and dialogue with such writers ‘in the flesh’. In this year of lockdowns a ‘Lite’ version was held, live online, for 2 hours on the evening of 9th October.Four speakers, two from the UK and two from the USA gave talks and took part in Q & A’s interspersed with entertaining and thought provoking songs by Harry and Chris, styling themselves “ The nation’s favourite comedy – rap – jazz duo”!!

There were a few minor tech glitches, time lags etc and Professor Hauerwas’ cat stole the show during a Q & A, but this was a stimulating, hugely challenging and enjoyable evening. Deep thinkers, with clarity and humour opened serious issues of our world and their clearly Christ inspired responses to them.

The Highlights for me were:-

  1. Gale Richards – Baptist Minister in Cambridge on the Theological Imperatives for a Black Lives Matter movement. She explained how the theological truth that black lives are made in the image of God, has inspired black Baptist Christians through history. She challenged us with the question – Why do so many Christians in Britain not see that there has been, and still is systemic oppression of black people throughout our history?

Her challenging answers – a lack of education; the isolation of some Christians from world issues ; a preference for remaining in our comfort zones; unease that BLM is a secular movement – made me think that this is a movement all Christians should embrace, but fear that some never will.

  1. Stanley Hauerwas US Professor of Divinity and Law in his talk and Q & A session left us with may memorable quotes:
  • BLM is one sign of hope in a crazy, crazy country’
  • ‘Sadly, for many American Christians the ‘American’ is more important than the ‘Christian’
  • If Christians are losing status in western societies, that makes us free to speak openly for Jesus’
  • ‘We must free the church from nationalism and patriotism’
  • ‘We must tell our history in a way that is inclusive and acceptable to all – acknowledging past injustices. History can’t be used for self- justification’
  1. Makoto Fujimara Japanese/American artist and writer spoke of 2020 as a Lenten year and suggested that the Japanese tradition of wabi-sabi –“beauty in imperfection” as a way to understand pathos – reveals a hidden Christian culture in Japanese thought, as does the concept of Kontsigi – “ Mending to make New” which he linked to the Christian life as New.

     4. Helen Paynter UK Baptist Minister and director of the study of the Bible and violence at Bristol Baptist College was a stimulating and worthy concluding speaker on the theme “Land of Hope and Glory? Is it possible to be a Christian and a Nationalist?”

Helen’s talk was passionate and urgent with many memorable statements and challenges:- “In an age where the alt-right has penetrated the church in the US and parts of Europe we are in danger of having Ethnic Nationalism”

“Anti – immigration is based on White Christian ‘Normality’ – whereas in today’s world the Typical Christian is an African Woman.”

“Exceptionalism in the US has the Christian Vice President Pence urging Americans to ‘Fix our eyes on Old Glory’ (the US Flag)” [where is Fix your eyes upon Jesus?]

“Nationalism is not the same as Patriotism. Real patriotism loves good in the country, but is clear about its flaws.”

Before finally reminding us that “We (Christians) are members of the greatest trans-nationalist community ever”

All these talks were interspersed with songs by Harry and Chris on issues such as the environment; nostalgia for ‘simple Times’; and the chorus which most stuck in my mind, uniting all 7.7 billion of us humans:-

“We’ve all been in a womb….(and we’ll be in a tomb)”

A stimulating, thought provoking and gloriously Christian evening ending in heartfelt prayer “that God will give us something interesting to do …”(when so many in the west claim that they are ‘bored’)

Amen to that

Roger Robson

To learn more, a summary of Catalyst Lite is on the website, where you can also sign up to receive Mission Catalyst and Engage magazines free by post.

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