Hello church, just a quick notice to say our Church at Home service will look slightly different this Sunday as we won’t be doing our live streams before and after the YouTube playlist. However, we will still post all the links to both Church at Home and to the Family at Moortown content on both our MBC and Moortots Facebook pages and our website, so you can watch this just as you would normally.
We’ll then post the questions that come out of the service and offer you the opportunity to comment and post any reflections you might have, along with other members too!
So if you go onto the church Facebook page at 10.45am on Sunday (www.facebook.com/moortownbaptistchurch) there will be a short message of greeting and to introduce the playlist. Then after you have watched the Playlist you can visit the Facebook page to post comments.
The link to our prerecorded YouTube content is HERE. And the link you need to join FAMILY AT MOORTOWN is HERE