Dear friends, we’ll be meeting this Sunday at 11 – 12 and online continuing on the theme of Be transformed. We are looking for the ways in which our minds are being renewed by God’s spirit over time. One sign of this is that we see strengths even when we are weak because God works through our weaknesses. We’ll have a few people sharing about what this looks like in their own lives. It’s counter cultural and not a message that we hear often in our world but 2 Cor 12 says that God’s power works through weakness. There will be a group for our younger members. Do come along and hear what God has to say through those who have prayerfully been considering this and through the worship on Sunday.
Next Sunday 25th June we continue to look at another aspect of this, as another way our minds are being renewed is to recognise God’s peace in difficult times, looking at Philippians 4 v 4-9 and Colossians 3 v 12 – 17. Again, peace in a storm isn’t the norm but its something that can help our minds move from panic mode into peace, looking for where God is in all situations. We’ll also share communion next week and have a group for our younger friends.
Café church will be the first Sunday in July
Other things to note…
Beacon warm welcome café 10-12 on Mondays
Warm welcome craft group on Thursdays 2-4pm
Stepping stones under 5’s group and their carers is Tuesdays 10-11.30
Rock Solid for our youth is on Sunday night 7-8pm
A thanksgiving service will take place at Moortown Baptist church for the life of Gwen Bucktrout at 10am on Friday 30th June followed by a crematorium service at 11.30 at Lawnswood and then 12.15 at the Lawnswood Arms for buffet and refreshments. Her sons say all are welcome but they may need an idea of numbers at the Lawnswood Arms for food so if you know you are definitely going can you let Rachel Beedle or myself know? If you aren’t sure though don’t let it stop you. Thank you.
Wednesday 21st June – Wednesday worship after lunch club at 1.30pm in the building, all welcome.
Thursday 22nd June – Dementia friends’ training session online for those who would like to do it but missed previous in person sessions. Its 45 minutes exactly and led by Dementia friends’ trainer Rachel Beedle.
Friday 7th July – Deacons prayer and leadership day
Saturday 8th July 10-1.30pm in the church building. A relaxed session on self care including lunch for all those who support others. More information from Jane Coates, Mandy Russell or Shelley.
21 July 2023 – a reflection and discussion based on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s letter of 21 July 1944 at 7.15pm in the church building with refreshments.
On 20 July 1944, the plot to kill Hitler failed, and Bonhoeffer knew immediately that some of his companions in the resistance were already dead, and he and others were in even more danger. He wrote a remarkable letter from his prison cell to his friend Eberhard Bethge. It says a lot about being human, and being Christian, in real life. Introduced by Haddon Wilmer on why he finds the letter both instructive and inspiring.
Prayer day
Saturday 22nd July. Please make a note in the diary, it’s in the planning stages so do have a word with Krys Gadd if you have ideas.
Saturday 7th October 10-1.30pm in the church building. Loss, grief, and bereavement course led by Care for the family www.careforthefamily.org.uk for all those who would like help to support others going through loss. Limited places available so please book in with Jane Coates or Lesley in the office.
“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”
Ephesians 6:18.
In Christ