Dear friends
It’s been great to read the Advent verses on our facebook page as we move towards Christmas, many evoking feelings of waiting… ”are we nearly there yet?” The promise of God’s son after so many years…
This week our waiting overlapped with celebration and together time as we celebrated Christmas with some of our local communities. Last Saturday we took part in Carnival Christmas, then on Tuesday we enjoyed the Stepping Stones Christmas party and sung Happy Birthday to Jesus and on Wednesday Lunch club had their Christmas dinner, quiz and live music. Some of the house groups have celebrated too and there’s news and pictures of many of these events on the website thanks to John Sherbourne swiftly capturing the stories at
Here’s what we have happening over the week…
Saturday 17th December – 1-3pm Christmas Wreath workshop, no experience needed £8 per wreath, book a place with Lesley (administrator) or Shelley. This is now almost fully booked. If you were planning on coming and haven’t yet booked in can you email or message me by end of today and we’ll see if we have any spare wreaths. Thank you.
Sunday 18th December – 11-12 All age Nativity! – feel free to dress ‘with a nod to’ your favourite Nativity character (part 4 Sky full of stars) – it would be great to welcome angels, shepherds, stars, kings etc and we have some costumes at church. For those who said they would help in advance I’ll be in touch today.
Monday 19th December – 10-12 Christmas Holiday Warm space at Beacon with free refreshments and Christmas crafts – all ages welcome
Saturday 24th December – 4.30-5.15. All age Christmas Eve Christingle and Carols
Sunday 25th December – 10-30-11.30 Christmas Day all age service (part 5 Sky full of stars)
Wednesday 28th December – 10-12 Christmas Holiday Warm space at Beacon with free refreshments
Sunday 1st January – 11-12 New Year’s Day café church (Part 6 Sky full of Stars) … bring a takeout cup, have a coffee and breakfast
Finally, if you live near church and have some fresh greenery that we could use for our wreath workshop could you bring it to church and leave it by the door on Saturday morning? Thank you!
We have more lights on the building and Christmas cards on the bushes! “You are the light of the world. A city that is built on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14)
There maybe a few extra jobs to do next week to help prepare for Christmas. I know it’s a busy time for some and not for others. If you would like to help with making Christingles, with our warm space sessions or welcoming those coming to the building at Christmas, do get in touch. Our Nativity and Christingle services often bring people who wouldn’t usually come on a Sunday so it would be great to have many of you to welcome others as you enjoy worshipping together.
In Christ
And PS. Don’t forget our Christmas Appeal which runs right through until Christmas Day and this year is in support of the Lingfield’s Living Local project and Martin House.