MBC’s Health and Safety committee are meeting very regularly, even twice weekly due to the changes taking place nationally. They are consulting the Gov.uk guidelines and also information given by the Baptist Union. With the recent news of the imminent lockdown the following decisions have been made:1) The Monday morning prayer and Friday bible study can still take place within the present guidelines and precautions, However, there will be no other services or events in the church building at present. Sadly, there can be no pastoral visiting by volunteers but we would urge you to keep in contact with one another by text, email and telephone.
2) Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday, and as you will see from our website we were planning a special act of remembrance. This will still go ahead but under strict conditions. In order for you to bring your poppies to church you MUST book in with Kate in the church office before 3pm Thursday and she will allocate you a 5 minute slot for next Sunday afternoon when you can drop them off. Please DO NOT just turn up – we need to know who is on the premises and at what time. Kate can be contacted by email admin@moortownbaptistchurch.
3) The Health and Safety team which I say is meeting up to twice a week are at present reviewing all the information available to churches. They are aware that people really want to meet and they know the importance of this for so many of us in the church community. From Thursday November 5th we will be in lockdown and will be unable to plan anything until the 2nd December at the earliest – however, if you have a plan or idea to meet up at MBC (but only of course as and when government guidelines permit) please submit a plan and a risk assessment to the Health and safety committee at least 2 weeks in advance. The committee will then assess your plan in line with current guidelines, and as long as everyone appreciates that regulations can change very suddenly, as this weekend has proved, they may be happy to support your plan and offer advice. Again Kate Slater in the office can help with any risk assessment templates and their completion.
The Health and Safety committee’s prior concern is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone in the church community during these unprecedented times, that is why it is vital that we all follow the guidelines issued by both the government and Baptist Union at all times.
To read the BU’s guidance on Coronavirus Cod-19 legal issues click HERE
God bless you and stay safe.