Once again Engage, the Baptist Missionary Society’s magazine features story after story of the work its workers are “engaged” in across no end of countries.
Via contributions either by or about many of the society’s dedicated workforce we visit India, Thailand, Lebanon, Ukraine, Indonesia and Chad to read first hand about some of the enormous problems that many people of many faiths are facing.
As usual the magazine is accompanied by a prayer guide. In this issue the 24 page guide covers from January to April 2025, and like the magazine itself not only addresses the needs of BMS workers “in the field” but many of the behind the scenes supporters such as trustees, fund raisers, recruiters and the like.
Of particular interest to us at Moortown Baptist Church is a piece in this issue, on page 19 and headed BMS community. This shows a picture of Mark Hotchkin who, along with his wife Andrea, are medical doctors working in Chad.
The picture, which you can see below, was taken last year here at MBC and it’s good to know that as a result of an invitation we extended to two of our mission partners, our support for BMS is being featured not just on our website but throughout the entire Baptist community.
You can sign up to receive your free copy of ENGAGE either through the post or online by speaking with our BMS rep Roger Robson.