Fairtrade, climate, chocolate and us

Chocolate has been in our lives a long time – as a treat or maybe a daily indulgence! We may be finishing Christmas chocolates as Easter, and its Chocolate Eggs, approaches.

Cocoa for chocolate grows on trees in big pods with their precious seeds which are extracted by hand and dried, roasted and ground. Tending the trees and harvesting is labour intensive and can involve child labour. The main producers are in West Africa especially Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). BUT there are threats to our supply of cocoa. As the climate warms the harvest diminishes and farmers find it hard to make a living.

Fairtrade comes in here. It does what it says by paying a fair price to farmers so they can send their children to school, access healthcare and improve their living conditions. The FT premium paid to local communities enables them to spend on education, healthcare, transport, better water supplies etc. – things we tend to take for granted. It also helps people to adapt their farming to changing climate conditions – vital for long term survival.

We are in the middle of Fairtrade Fortnight from February 21st to March 6th Local supermarkets including The Co-op, Waitrose, Aldi and Sainsbury’s etc are displaying a selection of goods with the Fairtrade Logo including chocolate, tea, coffee, bananas, wine, flowers sugar, honey, peanut butter. They cost a little more than their non-fairtrade equivalents. BUT if you choose Fairtrade you will be helping producers in developing countries and doing something towards combatting and adapting to Climate Change. And, dare I say it, demonstrating something of the Kingdom of God.


PS Some of you will remember our occasional after – church Fairtrade Stalls selling goods from the Christian Company Traidcraft. If you would like to see them revived, and would support them please let Roger Robson know by text on 07929100598 or by emailing roger.robson1@ntlworld.com  


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