Keeping up with all the news from BMS World Mission could hardly be easier. You can go online to its excellent website, you can follow them on Facebook and/or Twitter, sign up to receive its weekly email updates or as I do simply wait for it to drop through my letter box.
The issue you see above is Issue 56 and besides its usual mag, Prayer Guide (May to September) and I suspect for the first time its 2023 Impact Report you also get the chance to say hello to Engage’s new Editor Laura Durrant.
There is of course an even simpler way of keeping in touch with all that’s hapening at BMS World Mission, and that is by talking to one another. I don’t just mean seeking out our long standing BMS rep Roger Robson and demanding regular updates (that’s what all the stuff I’ve listed before are for). No I mean talking about BMS at Housegroups, maybe at Beacon or at any of the many other projects we run. You see BMS World Mission isn’t just something to be kept in a box until it takes its turn in our Mission slot calendar; it’s vibrant and active and what we must never forget it’s very much a part of MBC’s long history.
PS I have only just realised there is also a QR Code magically printed into the cover letter which is seeking your views on how you find your supporter experience with BMS Home Mission. It seems like they have all bases covered and we have little excuse to ignore them!