Dear friends
This Sunday you are invited to our service in church or online at the slightly earlier time of 10.45 instead of 11am. This is so that we can observe the 2-minute silence as it is Remembrance Sunday. We’ll be continuing our theme of Fruitfulness with a special link to remembrance as we think about ‘planting in peace’. There will be an opportunity to respond creatively to the theme through artwork for all ages.
Then at 4pm we will have a short, simple Service of Remembering in church to remember those who have died. This is not specifically linked to remembering those in a war but for anyone of any age who has been affected by losing someone recently or a long time ago. There will be an opportunity to light a candle for those we are remembering.
Things coming up…
Beacon café in church on Monday 10-12midday
Stepping Stones for under 5’s and their parents and carers 10-11.30ish on Tuesday
Craft group in church at 2pm on Thursday
Bible study at 10 in church on Friday
Please ask me or the Deacons about housegroups.
Thanks to all those who have offered to support MBC as a warm welcome space over the Winter. If you want to help or come or find out more then do let me know.
Next Sunday 20th November we have communion in church and the service will start at 11am in the building and online. There will be a group for our younger members or those who want to respond creatively.
Rachel will be holding another dementia awareness session after the service on the 27th November. It takes 45 minutes and anyone is welcome. Thanks to those who came along last week.
‘Space’, a time to sing, pray, play music, draw, paint, dance, be…’ takes place this time on a Tuesday night on 22nd November from 6.30pm in church. Come if you are curious. All ages are welcome, come for a bit or stay for a few hours. Hot drinks available. Talk to Andy and Ruth Berry or myself if you have questions.
All musicians and singers involved in leading on Sundays are invited to the music room on 24th November at 7.30 (starting no later than 7.45) for snacks and a cuppa and a relaxed chance to get together as one team to talk all things worship, why we do what we do, what might God want to do, how does musical and creative worship support MBC services and the wider community, how we can work together and what we might need going into the future.
Advent and Christmas plans are being made but if you have any ideas of things you would like to do and contribute to then do speak to myself or a Deacon or someone in leadership. We love to hear your thoughts about sharing the good news of Jesus.
A few other things to let you know about…
Saturday 10th December 2-4pm. Join us for ‘Carnival Christmas’ as we welcome ‘Steel Crazy’ steel pan band to lead us in carols and songs, crafts, Christmas snacks and drinks, facepainting, gifts, prayer tree, Christmas story trail and more… let us know if you want to help or have ideas, let your friends and family know..
Saturday 17th December Wreath making workshop using fresh foliage and found objects…more info to come…
Sunday 18th December All age nativity
Saturday 24th December All age Christingle
More information to come but let’s keep praying, sharing, dreaming, listening…
In Christ