We are very privileged to belong to several families. We have our own nuclear family, our son and daughters, grandchildren, aunts and uncles, and several distant relatives. We love them dearly and keep in regular contact as much as possible, even though distance from Leeds can present challenges.
We also have our church family at MBC which has become a very significant part of our lives, and particularly very recently. Our Christian family at MBC has begun to feel like a real family. We have felt a deep ’ground swell’ of love developing in our fellowship, which has become almost tangible. One of our newer members calls me ‘sister. ‘There is a sense of a shared awareness of the needs within the congregation and a willingness to respond to those needs practically, prayerfully, with numerous methods of contact, and connection. There is a deep change that has been happening.
Then we have our China family. For many, many years we have had connections with key Research colleagues, men and women who are Leaders and senior members of several top Universities and Institutions, in Sichuan, Beijing, and Changchun. Through many years of regular contact, communication, support, visits to China, research exchange visits to Bradford and China, and their visits to our home, we have established a close connection- a family connection. We are regarded as family members, and we know many of them as family. When the news of my illness and surgery was shared with them, they immediately responded with messages of love, concern and even prayers. “Jane is a very important member of our AMRI family, and we are always with you.” When Phil returned from his most recent trip to China, he brought back with him a bag of Chinese medicine and many other personal gifts – tangible demonstrations of their love.
Over many years we have connected with some wonderful Christian individuals and families and have become involved with them, their challenges, successes, work and witness. It is a joy and a challenge to know so many people and to stay in connection. Family is about connection-real connection. I am so thankful that I am a part of these different families.
So then, as often as we have the chance, we should do good to everyone, and especially to those who belong to our family in the faith. Galatians 6 v 10 GNT
A nighttime prayer
The peace of God be over me to shelter me.
Under me to uphold me.
About me to protect me.
Behind me to direct me
Ever with me to save me.
The peace of all peace be mine this night
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jane Coates. November 2024