John & Sue Wilson report from Paris on a particularly exciting time in their life


Such a lot has happened since our last prayer letter. The most exciting is that we have become grandparents. We have also been able to visit the UK on two separate occasions and have been so well looked after by friends and family. At the same time, we have maintained the rhythm of work in Paris even when we were in the UK, thanks to video calls.

Romola Grace was born to Jessica and Jack on the 25th September and we have been given the names Papi and Mamie, to help distinguish us from Jack’s parents who are also Wilsons! For those who know Sue well, the name Romola will not come as a surprise and as Jessica said at Romola’s dedication service, Grace is a reminder of how grateful they are to God for being with them through all the challenges of parenthood.

A well planned Home Assignment visit to some of the churches that support and pray for us in the South West, meant that we were able to enjoy holding Romola on several occasions. Through the kindness of Cornish friends, we were able to take Romola on her first holiday to Falmouth, where we visited our sending church.

Around the time of Romola’s birth, we hosted a youth event in Paris for the Baptist churches in our region. “We Connect” was a day to help our young people to stay connected despite the restrictions that meant that our national gathering couldn’t take place as planned this year. With around 250 young people in Paris, we connected to 7 other sites of young people gathered around France in order to share teaching and be inspired by the conference theme : “Jésus est le même, hier, aujourd’hui et éternellement” (Hebrews 13 vs.8)


“We Connect” made us feel like grandparents in an altogether new way, as it was people that we have trained and encouraged over the years who put the whole event together. When we visited churches in the UK, we were able to take the banner from “We Connect” and preach on Jesus who is the same in the midst of a changing and unstable world. He also invites us to trust Him for tomorrow, which will give us more stories to tell about his faithfulness and goodness.

As we get ready for Christmas, we are organising a special Christmas market to support our meals for the homeless. There will also be an evangelistic event with a singer/songwriter who will bring the message of Christmas alive in a more contemporary way.

We are particularly looking forward to the arrival of all of our family for Christmas. We will have a house full, if Covid restrictions don’t spoil the party. Being grandparents both organically and spiritually brings us so many blessings as each year turns into year, waiting for the time “when the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)

Please pray for Romola, her parents and all our family as we gather at Christmas.

Pray for the generation of young people who are taking more and more responsibility in leading the church.

Pray for our world in flux and change, that the constancy of Jesus may bring peace and hope to many.

Pray for the homeless and people on the move that there may be room for them in our world this Christmas.

We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and thank you for your ongoing prayers for us and support of BMS World Mission.


John & Sue


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