Know your Leadership Team

Moortown Baptist Church, like every other church within the tradition has deacons or as we like to call them a Leadership Team. This is currently made up of eight members of our congregation who between them have somewhere in the region of 275 years working and serving in one area of ministry or another; you can imagine that for a church that only opened its doors in 1955 some of them must have done just about anything and everything whilst others we still call relatively new. 

Nevertheless, our collective aim, our vision – particularlly post Covid – is to make MBC relevant to both our members and to the community we all serve. Whether that be through worship, prayer, all manner of community work – both face to face or online, pastoral care etc. etc. we know that as long as we put Jesus front and centre we are heading in the right direction.

If for any reason you would like to contact anyone on the Leadership Team please drop and email to

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