Dear Friends
“I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys. I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water” (Isaiah 41:18)
There is such a thing in relation to rivers called ‘daylighting’… a term for the process of removing obstructions (such as concrete or pavement) which cover rivers. Often, particularly in cities, waterways are covered or buried to create more building space or protect properties from flooding. Unfortunately, it can increase pollution, degrade habitats and actual increase floods downstream. By uncovering the river the waterway can be re-established and there are many benefits, including how it looks and environmental advantages.
Last Sunday we came together on the theme of ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life’ and considered the river of life running through our lives. It seems that not only is God reminding us of that river that flows from Him, but encouraging us to recognise that God wants to uncover rivers and streams that have been long buried or covered.
Where are there streams of life in your world that have been covered or buried?Where are there streams of life in your church that have been blocked? Where are there streams of life in your community that have been hidden?
Also last week one of our deacons discovered a book in a cupboard in the church with no names on but including prayers and ‘words’ about what God might be saying to MBC from about 2012 to 2015. I have another book like this from two prayer days that took place in 2020. Are there words that God has given and prayers prayed over years that God is reminding us of?
But it takes courage, bravery, seeing in a new way. Lots of theories of change begin with a problem or a need. The environment around the river has probably changed since the stream was first buried.
I leave these things with you to ponder and pray…and hopefully do…
This Sunday we welcome Andy Hobbs to share with us on the topic of Jesus asking the question “What do you want me to do for you?” We start at 11am in church and on the Moortown Baptist YouTube channel. There will be a group during the talk for our younger members or those who want to explore it in a more hands on way. There will be prayer for the church and opportunity for individual prayer after the service.
Beacon café is back on Monday from 10-12midday. We need some help to set up the church for Beacon after the service this Sunday as Edward is away.
There will be craft group in church on Thursday at 2pm.
Some of our house groups are having a break so do get in touch if you want to connect with a group.
Next Sunday (August 6th) it’s café church 10-12midday including breakfast pastries, coffee and an art area. Then 3-5pm we have a cream tea to raise money for our friends in Romania who are supporting those in Ukraine. All invited, bring friends, outside in the garden and carpark around tables and chairs. We also welcome Florin and Dana from the church in Romania on that day. They have written an update for us on what they are doing in supporting those fleeing Ukraine. Please go to the website to find out more at www.moortownbaptistchurch.org.uk or follow the link here Ahead of their visit to Leeds here’s a prayer request from our friends in Romania as they make yet another journey into Ukraine – Moortown Baptist Church
Pray for some of our young people returning from a Christian holiday week, for life changing encounters with Jesus.
Thanks to those who came to support Andrea and Mark, BMS missionaries from Chad at Beacon café last week. We have a lot of new people from our local community coming to Beacon each week. If you have never been, or it’s been a while, can you consider popping along sometime to chat to people or gather cups and welcome people into the space?
In Christ