First Ukrainian refugees arrive in Romania – plus an update

Yesterday we hosted these 3 Ukrainian ladies in the picture, together with their children (in red, on the right, my wife Dana). Mrs Valentina and her daughters left Kiev by car 5 days ago. Only one of them a driver. It was the first time ever to drive outside of Kiev. Now she has to drive for almost 1,500 km (1,000 miles), in several countries.
When they crossed the border to Moldova, they had no place to stay overnight. But they were approached by a Cru staff who helped them and hosted them. This staff later contacted us in Romania and asked us if we could help.
While driving in Romania, their car got lost when they had about 50 km to our city. When they stopped the car, some local people approached them. They gave them a mobile phone, to call us, they encouraged them and gave them food to eat on their way.
When they arrived at our place, we offered them dinner and spent some time with them. They look so tired! They told us how worried they were because of the bombings in their city. Some places they knew well may not exist anymore.
Mrs Valentina mentioned she was not religious until now, but now she sees so clearly how God manifested His goodness on their behalf. She added that since they left their home, she feels like God gave them a guardian angel, who accompanies their steps.
Though they were willing to sleep even on a floor, we managed to arrange a nice house for them to stay overnight. For free. God is always surprising.
When we left, I asked permission to pray for God’s protection on them. They were very thankful. In the midst of such dramatic events, I saw His hand. I believe He has a plan for these women. He
protected them from accidents. He helped them meet a Cru staff in Moldova who had International contacts. It is no coincidence
that they came in contact with 3 evangelical families. It is not an accident that they felt loved and protected. God had to take them out of their country so that they would hear the Gospel, and had, for the first time in their lives, someone pray for them.
Maybe their travel is not just physical, but also spiritual. Let us pray that they will finally believe in God, who provided for them all along their way.
Please continue to pray for us. Today, someone called my wife and told her about a group of 60 Ukrainian children hosted at a camp, 100 km from our city. They are probably orphans. We were asked if we can help and provide for them clothes, toys, diapers, food, toiletries, money etc. In the next few weeks, we will probably have many more requests.
Please continue to uplift in prayer the requests we mentioned yesterday. We will keep you updated about what God is doing through us in this ministry.
Thank you again for your love and prayers.
Florin and Dana
Thank you and we appreciate all your support so far! God reward We as a church have started hosting refugees, for the first time they are accommodated in the families in the church who have extra space but we have also prepared our camp center in Belis to accommodate in the future even more people in need. In addition to accommodation, we are looking for everything they need from clothing, food and medicine. We had a special program in the church which all the service and prayer time was translated into Ukrainian.
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