You can’t possibly Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, however, starting on February 23rd you can gain an overview of the entire Bible in 24 one-hour sessions.
So are you ready to embark on a detailed yet thoroughly enjoyable study of the most profound book ever written? If you are then come and join us as we use Chuck Missler’s “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” series to guide us on our journey.
How often will be meet? The format is straightforward: we will meet once a fortnight at MBC to watch a video together and then to share our thoughts.
What do I need to bring? You do not need to buy books or even to make notes, but we would like you to participate! Having said that there is a study guide available if you would like one.
What is included in the content of the sessions? Reading the Bible is the ultimate literary adventure. Using sound scientific facts, historical analysis, and biblical narrative, acclaimed teacher Dr. Chuck Missler weaves together a rich tapestry of information that provides an accurate understanding of scripture’s relation to itself, to us and to the world at large. Together we will examine the heroic tales of Exodus, and the lasting wisdom of Proverbs. We will examine the enigmatic imagery of Revelation with the simple, scripturally sound insights and fresh perspectives found in Learn the Bible in 24 Hours.
What’s in it for me? Whether you want to explore some of the less-discussed nuances of scripture or you feel you need a comprehensive refresher course on the Bible’s themes and stories, Learn the Bible in 24 Hours is a great guide.
Dr. Missler combines his life-long love of Bible teaching with more than thirty years in the business world and a distinguished military career to bring you this unique perspective for attaining Biblical knowledge. In just twenty-four hours you can have a rock-solid foundation for a lifetime of spiritual enrichment.
If you are interested in joining us or would simply like more information please contact Gareth Gadd on gareth.gadd@gmail.com
Some testimonials from Amazon
“This is a very good format, and the information is easy to understand.”
“How can one critique work like this! An amazingly indescribable and exciting study, a preposterous extra-terrestrial adventure that even a child could understand yet a scholar such as me is fascinated by.”
“I’ve studied theology as an Anglican and was healed miraculously in church in 1983 when I became a reluctant charismatic and have been learning about and reading the Bible for many years. I even THOUGHT that I understood what The Bible was about. When I first saw the title of this book I was put off; how can anyone learn the whole Bible in 24 hours? Surely this is merely a marketing ploy to get the attention of people who aren’t prepared to invest years in Bible study? Oh boy was I in for a shock! I suppose that you COULD read it in 24 hours, but you’d be the poorer for doing so.
This is simply the best summary of each book in the Bible that I’ve ever seen; written in such a way that anyone can understand. It has opened my eyes to a new dimension in understanding the Scriptures. I cannot recommend this enough.
If you want to understand the Bible; buy this book, if you have friends or relatives who need to understand the Bible, give them this book. Keep a spare copy in your library to lend to people so they can understand that they need to get a copy for themselves. I would willingly exchange a theological library of traditional commentaries for a single copy of this. It will encourage you to do your own homework and to study in depth and will give you the tools to do so. I would go so far as to recommend that every person who goes to Bible School, theological college or even a humble home Bible study needs this book; mine is already underlined and highlighted! Exceptionally well written, fun to read (yes, Chuck has a delightful sense of humour) and if this doesn’t change the way you see the Bible, nothing will.”
“It’s a game changer! I’ve read the bible like I’ve never read it before, understood much more. Simply brilliant book. A must read for every Christian.”
“I first saw & heard of Chuck Missler on a programme on GOD TV, I more or less googled his name and found a wealth of books and DVDs all about religion and in particular religious subjects I was presently studying…
Learn the Bible in 24 hours is an incredibly well thought out course, okay so some people may not agree with Chuck’s interpretations that are mentioned in the various sessions within, but they will find themselves more understanding what the great book of the Holy Bible is all about.”
“For anyone doing a serious Bible Study, I can say that after 40+ years of study, I know of no better mentor that Dr Chuck Missler. This will provide you with an insight you will not find anywhere else, take it from someone that has done the miles, a lot of miles.”
“Excellent for group study or prayer groups. Encouraged to delve into the bible. Points things out that were not given much thought, an easy and very interesting way of learning the bible.”
“The knowledge I’ve taken in from going through this book has opened a hunger for more… highly recommend to anyone who wants to know.”